State House Finance Committee Explores Lahaina: A Journey of Recovery and Priorities

3 min read

Last week, the State House Finance Committee embarked on a visit to the beautiful town of Lahaina in Maui. Led by Committee Chairman House Rep. Kyle Yamashita, the committee members toured various areas in the Maui wildfire disaster zone to gain insights into the ongoing recovery efforts. County and federal officials joined them to provide updates and discuss key priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

One of the notable stops on their itinerary was Mala Wharf, which falls under the jurisdiction of the state Department of Land and Natural Resource’s Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation. At the wharf, discussions revolved around potential legislation for the upcoming session, with a focus on addressing commercial matters while considering the concerns of local residents.

The Division officials shared updates on the funds allocated by the legislature in previous years and the progress of various projects. These projects include upgrading bathroom facilities, improving lighting, enhancing the facility’s striping, and renovating a portion of the ramp.

The committee also received an update from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding the West Maui temporary school. The transitional campus, located near Kapalua Airport at Pulelehua, will accommodate students who previously attended the damaged King Kamehameha III Elementary. Currently, these students are receiving their education in a hybrid, temporary environment at Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School. The project is currently in the bid phase, and officials are reviewing the submitted proposals.

In addition to these visits, the committee members explored King Kamehameha III Elementary, Lahaina Harbor, and Front Street Apartments. The apartments, built in 2001, are a 142-unit affordable housing project developed by the Hawai’i Housing Finance & Development Corporation. Given the recent Lahaina wildfires, the need for affordable housing for residents will be a significant topic of discussion during the 2024 legislative session.

To further understand the impact of the wildfires, the committee members also toured fire-ravaged areas in Upcountry. This comprehensive journey allowed them to witness firsthand the challenges faced by the community and gather valuable insights for their legislative work.

The State House Finance Committee’s visit to Lahaina was not only an opportunity to assess the recovery efforts but also a chance to connect with the local community. By engaging with county and federal officials, the committee members gained a deeper understanding of the priorities and concerns of the residents. As they prepare for the upcoming legislative session, these insights will guide their decision-making and ensure that the needs of Lahaina and its people are addressed.

Through their visit, the committee members demonstrated their commitment to supporting the recovery and rebuilding process in Lahaina. By actively participating in discussions and witnessing the impact of the wildfires, they are better equipped to advocate for the necessary resources and legislation. The journey of recovery continues, and the State House Finance Committee stands alongside the people of Lahaina in their pursuit of a brighter future.

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