Which EU regions have more women working in high-tech?

2 min read

Hey there! So, you’re curious about which EU regions have more women working in high-tech, right? Well, let me break it down for you. High-technology sectors are super important for economic growth and productivity, and they offer some pretty well-paid jobs. In 2022, there were about 9.8 million people working in high-tech sectors in the EU, which is around 4.9% of the total employment. Now, when it comes to gender representation, men take up the majority with about 67.2% of the workforce. But let’s focus on the ladies for a moment.

At the regional level, the top spots go to the capital regions of France (Ile-de-France) and Spain (Comunidad de Madrid). They had the highest number of people working in high-tech sectors, with 420,000 and 289,000 employees respectively. Pretty impressive, right? But it doesn’t stop there. We’ve got three more regions that had over 200,000 people working in high-tech: Oberbayern in Germany, Lombardia in Italy, and Cataluña in Spain. These regions are really making waves in the high-tech world!

Now, let’s talk about the regions at the other end of the spectrum. We’ve got five regions with less than 3,000 people working in high-tech sectors. These include the southern Italian region of Molise, and four Greek regions: Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki, Peloponnisos, Ipeiros, and Sterea Elláda. It’s interesting to see the variation across different regions, isn’t it?

Okay, now let’s get to the good stuff. Women make up almost one-third, which is about 32.8%, of the total number of people working in high-tech sectors in the EU. That’s pretty awesome! But here’s where it gets even more exciting. The share of women in high-tech employment varies across different regions. The Hungarian region of Nyugat-Dunántúl takes the crown with 50.2% of women in high-tech jobs. Yes, you heard that right, more women than men! Go Nyugat-Dunántúl! The next highest shares of female employment were in the Italian region of Marche (48.6%) and another Hungarian region called Észak-Magyarország (48.1%).

So, there you have it! Now you know which EU regions are leading the way in employing women in high-tech. It’s great to see the progress being made, but there’s still work to be done to achieve even more gender diversity in this sector. Keep pushing for equality, and who knows, maybe one day we’ll see women dominating the high-tech world! Stay curious and keep exploring!

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