How Digital Technology is Transforming Urban Farming in Tokyo

2 min read

Small-scale farmers in Tokyo are taking agriculture to new heights with the help of digital technology. From remote guidance through smart glasses to data-driven education, these innovative approaches are revolutionizing the way farming is done in the city. With the aim of reducing costs and attracting more people to the industry, Tokyo is embracing advanced technology to support its agricultural community.

One example of this digital revolution is NTT AgriTechnology Corp.’s experiment with the Tokyo metropolitan government. Equipped with a 5G antenna, a high-resolution 4K camera, and a mobile camera, their greenhouse allows farmers to monitor their crops from anywhere. Through online communication, specialists can provide guidance and advice to farmers, saving time and resources.

In addition to remote guidance, digital technology is also being used to educate the next generation of farmers. The Tokyo Metropolitan Engei High School has incorporated data-driven agricultural operations into its curriculum. Students learn how to interpret data collected by sensors installed throughout the school’s farm area, enabling them to make informed decisions about crop cultivation. By equipping aspiring farmers with these skills, the school is preparing them for a successful future in the agricultural industry.

Tokyo’s agricultural landscape is unique, with small-scale farmers scattered throughout the city. This poses challenges in terms of training and support. However, digital technology is bridging the gap by providing accessible resources and reducing the need for in-person visits. By leveraging technology, Tokyo aims to make agriculture a desirable profession and reverse the decline in the number of full-time farmers.

Despite the potential benefits, the adoption of digital technology in agriculture faces financial hurdles. The cost of purchasing equipment such as antennas and smart glasses, along with communication fees, can be prohibitive for small farmers. To overcome this challenge, collaboration between the government and farmers is crucial. The Tokyo metropolitan government is already offering subsidies to support the introduction of modern technologies and the improvement of agricultural facilities.

The digital revolution in urban farming is transforming Tokyo’s agricultural landscape. By embracing advanced technology, farmers are able to overcome geographical barriers and access expert guidance. The integration of data-driven education is equipping the next generation with the skills they need to succeed in the industry. While financial challenges remain, the government’s support and subsidies are paving the way for a more sustainable and technologically advanced agricultural sector in Tokyo.

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