The Great Soup Naming Debate: Leek & Potato or Potato & Leek?

1 min read

When it comes to traditions, we all have our opinions on what’s right or wrong. And now, even the order of ingredients in a soup name is causing a stir. A Heinz fan has gone as far as demanding the person responsible for naming a particular soup variety be sacked. The fan took to social media to express their frustration, saying, ‘Can I get confirmation that the person who named the soup Potato and Leek instead of Leek and Potato has been sacked? Cheers.’ Heinz shared the complaint, and followers were quick to weigh in. Some argued that it should be ‘Leek and Potato’ because of alphabetical order, while others defended the unconventional ‘Potato and Leek’ name. One person even suggested ‘Tattie and Leek’ as an alternative. The debate continued with arguments about the ratio of leek to potato and which name rolls off the tongue better. Heinz decided to settle the matter by conducting a poll, but the results were surprising. Despite the comments supporting Heinz’s original name, the majority of voters in the poll preferred ‘Leek & Potato’ over ‘Potato & Leek’.

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