Why Technology Should Take Center Stage in Reporting

2 min read

Readers Have Their Say: Prioritise technology in your reporting

Technology must be given top priority in your reporting. Africa has been left behind in the technology sector and it’s time to change that. We need the Nation to educate us on the latest tech trends and advancements. Let’s bring back the glory days of the late ’90s when tech matters were prominent in the ‘Business Week’ pullout magazine. It’s time to empower Africa with technology!

The absence of Sam Wambugu’s technology column in the Sunday Nation has left readers disappointed. Technology has become an integral part of our lives, and we all need to be tech-savvy. We should all have a basic understanding of IT and keep up with the advancements in artificial intelligence. Sam Wambugu’s column used to highlight the intricacies of the tech world, and we miss that. Please consider bringing it back!

Errors and contradictions can ruin a good story. In a recent article by Sam Kiplangat, there were four glaring errors, including missing coordinating conjunctions and misplaced words. These mistakes make the story confusing and less impactful. We all make mistakes, but it’s important to proofread and edit our work to ensure accuracy.

In another article by John Fox, there was a mistake in the name of William Holden, a famous film star. The article referred to him as William Holding. This raises doubts about the accuracy of the rest of the article. Similarly, conflicting accounts in different articles, such as the involvement of Attorney-General Charles Njonjo and GSU boss Ben Gethi in the Entebbe raid, leave readers questioning who is telling the truth. It’s crucial to fact-check and verify information before publishing.

Consistency is key in journalism. In an editorial about President William Ruto’s travel cuts, the first paragraph praises his decision, but the accompanying cartoon portrays him as travel-obsessed. These contrasting messages on the same page create confusion and undermine the credibility of the news. It’s important to ensure consistency in reporting.

In conclusion, prioritizing technology in reporting is essential for Africa’s progress. Bringing back the technology column, addressing errors and contradictions, and maintaining consistency will enhance the quality and credibility of news. Let’s empower Africa with accurate and informative reporting!

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