Seton Hall Finance Networking Forum: Connecting Students and Professionals

Seton Hall Students, Alumni, and Industry Professionals Connect at Annual Finance Networking Forum

Seton Hall Students, Alumni, and Industry Professionals Connect at Annual Finance Networking Forum
Monday, November 6, 2023
Over 130 students and 55 industry professionals attended Seton Hall’s Finance Networking Forum on Tuesday, October 4th. The event, hosted annually by the Stillman School of Business, in partnership with The Career Center, provides an opportunity for students to make connections with professionals in the areas of wealth management, banking, financial services, and other major corporations.
When speaking to Mark Schild, the Associate Dean of the Stillman School of Business and instructor for the finance department, he expressed the value of attending sharing, “It’s why we encourage freshmen to go, all the way up to seniors and graduate students. For a lot of people, it is their first time talking about what they want to do when they grow up and what their job can hopefully become. Students can turn the conversation around and ask potential employers how they got to where they are. It takes skill and you learn that by practicing.”
Chloe Jakubowski, a senior accounting major attended the forum as a campus ambassador for RSM. She explained, “Sometimes it is intimidating for people to go up to professionals. Since I’m a student, I feel like I am more approachable to talk to.” Reflecting on her experience at Seton Hall she said, “You can make more personal connections and have longer conversations. At these smaller events, I start to remember the people who come back.” At the event she connected with fellow classmates and even shared opportunities with RSM.
The event is open to all Seton Hall majors, alumni, and faculty. Many participating professionals were alumni, returning to campus to share their time and experiences with interested Seton Hall students. Lauren Galan, a recent graduate of Seton Hall (class of 2020), attended the forum to share her experience at Goldman Sachs and her role as a Global Market Associate. When asked why she likes coming back to her Alma Mater she explained, “It goes back to my non-traditional background. I like coming back to talk to students and my hope is to find students of non-traditional finance backgrounds. Maybe they got into finance later during their time at Seton Hall, or they are now realizing they want to pursue a job in finance. If I can reach out and connect with even one person, I can help someone struggling to navigate the change in their career or trajectory.”
Leiya Istambouli, a senior financial mathematics major, shared her experience at the event. “Knowing that everyone was from Seton Hall made it more comfortable to walk up and shake their hand. We already had one thing in common. Everyone there representing a company really wanted to be there. They really want to talk to you,” Istambouli stated.
Michele Henson offered her perspective as an alumna who has been in the industry for years. She noted, “It’s a great opportunity for students to get advice without feeling like you are talking to an employer. It gets to feel a little bit more natural. These events let you get a good foundation when it comes to introducing yourself or reciting your elevator pitch. They are key building blocks to building a career.”
It is highly encouraged for students from all majors and class years to take part in the professional networking opportunities available on campus. These events provide those interested in certain industries the opportunity to have informal conversations with professionals in the field. These conversations may reveal helpful information and advice about various career path options shared directly by professionals with unique and inspiring words to share.
For more networking opportunities, resources, and events students can browse the Career Center website, Engage page, and Instagram.


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