A Delicious and Healthy Homemade Dessert

1 min read

Are you craving something sweet? Here’s a simple and healthy dessert recipe that you can easily make at home. Celebrity fitness instructor Yasmin Karachiwala recently shared this four-ingredient dessert recipe on Instagram, and it’s perfect for the festive season. Instead of reaching for a sugary treat, consider trying this healthier alternative. Let’s take a look at the ingredients and the making process.

– 2 bananas, thinly sliced
– Peanut butter (or nut butter of choice)
– Melted dark chocolate
– Crushed peanuts

Making Process:
1. Arrange the banana slices on a tray lined with parchment paper.
2. Generously spread peanut butter on top.
3. Layer it with melted chocolate.
4. Garnish it with crushed peanuts.
5. Freeze for about an hour, then break it and enjoy!

In the caption next to the video, Karachiwala mentioned that this unique dessert bar is “definitely worth the hype” and will “definitely satisfy your sweet craving”. So, are you tempted to give it a try? It’s a quick and easy dessert that’s both delicious and healthy. Give it a go and impress your guests with this delightful treat!

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