Join the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme: A Masterclass for Ukrainian Youth

3 min read

The Young European Ambassadors initiative in Ukraine is pleased to announce that it will be hosting an online masterclass on the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, scheduled to take place on 29 November at 5pm EEST. The primary objective of the masterclass is to offer valuable insights and tips to young Ukrainians who are keen on enhancing their entrepreneurial skills.

The distinguished speaker for the event is Liudmyla Nikitina, an alumna of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme. Ms. Nikitina will be sharing her personal experiences and providing guidance to aspiring young entrepreneurs in Ukraine. Having participated in the programme in 2022, focusing on community, social, and personal services, Ms. Nikitina has been acclaimed as a success story, making her a valuable resource for the masterclass attendees.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme is specifically designed to pair inexperienced entrepreneurs with established and experienced business owners, offering them the chance to collaborate and exchange knowledge and innovative business ideas over a period of 1-6 months.

In addition to the insights shared by Liudmyla Nikitina, the event will also include presentations on the European Commission’s “EU Neighbours East” regional communication programme and the associated “Young European Ambassadors” initiative.

The masterclass is open for registration to all young Ukrainians, and interested individuals can enrol via an online form. It is important to note that the event will be conducted in the Ukrainian language.

The Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) initiative serves as a platform that unites socially engaged youth from the six Eastern Partner countries, the European Union, and the United Kingdom. The primary aim of this initiative is to facilitate dialogue and increase awareness about the EU’s cooperation with its Eastern partner countries.

For those seeking more information about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme and wishing to apply for the free business exchange, additional resources and details can be found on the programme’s official website.

Moreover, the online event is part of the EU-funded Regional Communication Programme for the Eastern Neighbourhood (‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’), which aims to support the communication efforts of the European Union Delegations in the Eastern partner countries. This programme operates under the guidance of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, as well as the European External Action Service. It is implemented by a consortium led by B&S Europe.

As with all EU-related communication efforts, the information provided in this context is subject to a disclaimer and protection of personal data. The EU aims to ensure the accuracy and privacy of the information shared on its platforms and programmes.

In conclusion, the masterclass on the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme presents a valuable opportunity for young Ukrainians to gain insights, tips, and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the event serves as a platform for fostering dialogue and awareness about the EU’s cooperation with its Eastern partner countries. Interested individuals can register for the masterclass and access further information about the programme through its official channels.

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