Vegan Eateries Across the US are Closing Down: What’s Happening?

3 min read

Over the past year, a significant number of vegan restaurants across the United States have closed their doors permanently, leaving a void in the hearts of their loyal patrons. From the iconic Souley Vegan in Oakland to the beloved Cycle Dogs in Seattle, the vegan community is facing a challenging time.

The renowned Souley Vegan, a vegan Creole spot in Oakland, California, decided to close its doors this fall after nearly 15 years in business. Owner Tamearra Dyson cited various factors, including increased crime in the area, as the reason for the shutdown. Despite the closure, Dyson remains optimistic about the future of Souley Vegan and is excited about potential future endeavors.

Similarly, Cycle Dogs, known for its delectable vegan pancakes and hot dogs, met its demise this November. Owner Keaton Tucker expressed regret over the closure on Instagram, attributing the shutdown to inefficiency in managing the business.

Meanwhile, Love.Life in Los Angeles closed its doors only a few months after opening. Co-founded by John Mackey, the establishment aimed to be a wellness destination but struggled due to limited foot traffic and a lower-than-expected return of office population.

VeganBurg in San Francisco, a well-known vegan burger joint, closed its doors this October. The restaurant did not disclose the exact reason for the closure but remains committed to operating its two locations in Singapore and opening a new franchise location in Hesperia, California.

The Portland-based Homegrown Smoker, which narrowly avoided closure last year, eventually succumbed to health issues and staff shortages, prompting its shutdown in August. The decision to close was made to prioritize the team’s mental well-being.

Gracias Madre, a staple Mexican eatery in the Bay Area, also called it quits this August. The closure came as a surprise to many, and the reasons behind it were not disclosed. However, Gracias Madre’s two Southern California locations continue to operate.

Stalk & Spade, a Minnesota-based vegan burger chain with grand expansion plans, closed all three of its locations on November 1 due to the unpredictable nature of the plant-based meat and dairy alternatives industry.

In Illinois, Radish Kitchen, a charming vegan eatery, will be shutting down on December 22. Owner Jam Rohr expressed pride in the restaurant’s accomplishments and reflected on the valuable community collaborations over the years, signaling a bittersweet farewell.

Finally, Better Chew Kitchen in Vallejo, California, announced its closure six months after opening. Factors such as break-ins may have contributed to their decision, but Chef GW Chew remains grateful for the support and is keeping the community informed about their future plans.

The closures of these vegan eateries have undoubtedly left a void in the hearts of loyal patrons and vegans alike. As the landscape of the restaurant industry continues to evolve, it’s evident that even vegan establishments are not immune to the challenges of running a successful business.

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