The renowned and esteemed series, Doctor Who, has presented us with numerous extraterrestrial foes, each possessing their own distinctive and advanced futuristic technology. As we approach the momentous 60th anniversary of Doctor Who in 2023, it is notable to observe that some of the science fiction technology showcased in the show is on the cusp of materializing into reality.
1. The Zygons
The Zygons, first encountered in Doctor Who in 1975, were renowned for their spacecraft, which incorporated both mechanical and organic components, as well as a body printer that facilitated their adoption of human form. Though the cultivation of organic vehicles remains elusive, the progression of nanocellulose bioplastics derived from wood and other organic materials signifies a significant stride in this direction.
2. The Cybermen
The Cybermen, distinguished for their practice of substituting human body parts with mechanical ones, share parallels with contemporary brain-implant technology employed to enhance individuals’ quality of life through treatments such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) for conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.
3. The Axos
The emergence of the Axos in Doctor Who, featuring a living spacecraft and a crystalline substance referred to as axonite, bears resemblance to ongoing research utilizing gene-editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9 to produce climate-resistant crops and more robust food animals.
4. The Sontarans
The Sontarans, genetically engineered for warfare, mirror current investigations into the resilience of tardigrades, also known as water bears, whose DNA potentially holds the key to safeguarding humans from extreme conditions and radiation.
5. The Ood
The Ood’s utilization of translation spheres to convey their thoughts mirrors Meta’s development of a multilingual speech translator, SeamlessM4T, capable of instantaneous language translation.
6. The Nanogenes
The nanogenes, responsible for bestowing humans with mask-like makeovers, evoke parallels with the advancement of medical nanorobots utilized to treat diseases and administer medications precisely within the body.
7. The Silurians
The Silurians, reptilian humanoids from Earth’s prehistoric era, correspond to ongoing geoengineering research aimed at devising methods to combat climate change and prevent extreme weather events.
8. The Daleks
The Daleks, renowned for their impenetrable metal casings, exhibit similarities to a material devised by researchers at the University of Connecticut that is four times stronger and five times lighter than steel.
Reflection upon the memorable aliens and their technologies from Doctor Who elicits fascination when discerning the parallels between science fiction and the tangible world. While humankind has not yet achieved global domination with advanced alien technology, the headway attained in diverse scientific domains undoubtedly echoes the realm depicted in Doctor Who. Perhaps, one day, we will witness some of these extraordinary technologies seamlessly integrate into our daily lives.
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