Ukrainian President Unveils New Economic Platform for Business Communication

3 min read

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently unveiled the launch of the Ukrainian Economic Platform, with the purpose of establishing effective communication channels with entrepreneurs across the nation. In a video address to the public, President Zelensky articulated the platform’s role as a crucial tool for engaging with businesses of varying sizes, as well as different regions and industry sectors within Ukraine.

Underscoring the significance of this initiative, President Zelensky expressed, “Today we are introducing a novel means of communication with entrepreneurs, encompassing not only those who are highly visible. We are inaugurating the Ukrainian Economic Platform, which will encompass small, medium, and large businesses, in addition to the different regions within our nation. Investors and relocated enterprises will also be incorporated.”

The President further emphasised the significance of the “Made in Ukraine” brand, highlighting its representation of millions of diligent individuals dedicated to establishing businesses and generating employment opportunities for others.

The recently established platform is poised to involve the government, Office of the President, regional state administrations, and experts to ensure its efficient operation. President Zelensky elucidated that the primary objective of the Ukrainian Economic Platform is to serve as an effective communication tool, supported by decisive actions from state institutions, aimed at fostering positive and collaborative relationships between law enforcement agencies and entrepreneurs.

President Zelensky underscored the critical necessity of instilling confidence within the business community and promoting the growth of a robust, legal economy in Ukraine. “Ukraine requires greater business confidence and a more substantial legal, ‘white’ economy, as well as an expansion of production facilities and products across various industries,” he declared.

He also announced the issuance of decrees to facilitate the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Council, aligned with recent resolutions of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), and the Ukrainian platform aimed at rejuvenating entrepreneurship and promoting Ukrainian products.

The establishment of the Ukrainian Economic Platform marks a noteworthy stride towards harnessing the potential of Ukrainian businesses and advancing the economic growth of the nation. The platform is anticipated to serve as a valuable conduit for dialogue, collaboration, and meaningful engagement between the government and the entrepreneurial community.

President Zelensky’s dedication to cultivating a conducive environment for businesses and propelling the expansion of the “Made in Ukraine” brand underscores the administration’s proactive stance towards economic development and prosperity for all. The Ukrainian Economic Platform is poised to occupy a pivotal role in amplifying the voice of businesses and facilitating the exchange of ideas, resources, and solutions to fortify Ukraine’s economic landscape.

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