Dudley Council Leaders Disregard Early Financial Warnings

2 min read

The Labour opposition in Dudley Council has levelled accusations against the Conservative leaders, asserting that they disregarded early warnings about the council’s financial instability and potential need for external assistance in addressing the issue. A report by auditors in July revealed that reserves had reached a critically low level, leaving the council with limited capacity to address overspending.

The council is currently grappling with a £12m deficit in its finances, attributed to unforeseen expenses in adult and children’s social care during the autumn of last year. At a recent meeting of the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Shaukat Ali, the finance spokesperson for the Labour party, censured the council for its lack of responsiveness to warnings. Despite the alarm bells raised in the auditors’ report from July, no action was taken.

Auditors Grant Thornton, contracted by Dudley Council for a fee of £184,000 plus VAT, highlighted several issues in their report that could result in additional costs amounting to several million pounds for the council. They identified clear risks to the council’s financial position, including factors such as cost of living increases. The report also noted the council’s failure to deliver on promised savings in the past two years, despite committing to £7.8m in cuts.

Councillor Steve Clark, the cabinet member for finance in Dudley, acknowledged the concerns raised by the auditors. He stated that the council has recognized the problem in adult social care and is working on creating a budget to ensure legal compliance for the current year. Council leader Councillor Patrick Harley criticised the opposition, particularly Councillor Ali, for their remarks, indicating that if the opposition were in charge, severe cuts to essential services would have been made.

Councillor Harley asserted that senior officers are formulating a new operating model for the council, which will restore the finances to balance. Meanwhile, Councillor John Martin of the Labour party emphasized the need to address the frequent overspending in adult and children’s social care, advocating for considering additional expertise or capacity to rectify the issue.

In conclusion, the ongoing financial challenges faced by Dudley Council necessitate careful consideration and effective action to ensure the stability and sustainability of the council’s finances.

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