Government Explores AI-driven Asset Tracking Technology for Enhanced Transparency

3 min read

The Government of Malaysia is currently undertaking an exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the purpose of tracking and identifying assets, with the objective of enhancing the process of asset declaration and reporting within the nation. This state-of-the-art technology is anticipated to bring significant benefits, particularly to government bodies such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) in their endeavors to uncover undisclosed wealth and potential tax evasion.

According to a senior government official who requested anonymity, the study of AI-based technology is still in its preliminary stages. There are several considerations that require thorough examination, including data protection and privacy laws, as well as associated legal issues, prior to a decision on the implementation of the technology. Notwithstanding these challenges, the official expressed optimism regarding the potential advantages of this technology for the nation, particularly in uncovering concealed assets among individuals in various sectors.

The AI-based technology is anticipated to play a crucial role in determining whether an individual is concealing assets, and subsequently providing recommendations to relevant government agencies to take appropriate actions. It is designed to offer real-time data and support to these agencies in their endeavors to track and identify assets belonging to individuals who are under scrutiny.

In a related development, the MACC had previously announced its intention to review the mechanism for asset declarations, with the aim of enhancing transparency and accountability for politicians and public officials. The Chief Commissioner of MACC, Tan Sri Azam Baki, emphasized the necessity of refining the current mechanism for asset declaration to provide a clearer representation of the actual wealth of politicians and public officials. The MACC is empowered to investigate individuals with extravagant lifestyles beyond their reported income level, as well as false declarations.

Furthermore, the use of AI technology by the Malaysian government is not entirely novel. In 2020, the Malaysian judiciary made history by integrating AI in the sentencing process for individuals convicted of drug-related crimes. However, the use of this technology, known as AiCOS (Artificial Intelligence in Court Sentencing), in a pilot project in Sabah and Sarawak faced criticism from the Malaysian Bar Council. The AiCOS system is currently under scrutiny for its potential application in providing sentencing recommendations for other types of crimes, beyond cases related to drug possession.

As the Malaysian Government continues to explore the potential of AI-driven asset tracking technology, it demonstrates their commitment to leveraging innovative solutions to enhance transparency and accountability within the nation. While there are still numerous considerations and challenges to overcome, the prospect of harnessing AI for asset tracking holds promise for the continued advancement of governance and anti-corruption efforts in Malaysia.

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