The Monaco Royal Family: Facing Financial Scandal

2 min read

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene were seen at Monaco’s Saint Devote celebration, which was aimed at showcasing solidarity during a financial scandal affecting the royal family. The scandal, sparked by accusations from their former accountant, Claude Palmero, has revealed shocking claims about the couple’s financial affairs.

Palmero, who oversaw palace finances for over two decades before being dismissed, alleged that Princess Charlene employed illegal migrants for less than £90 per day and also received a personal spending allowance exceeding £1 million annually. It was further claimed that Prince Albert maintained a separate bank account to provide clandestine payments to his former mistress and their illegitimate children.

Notwithstanding the turmoil, the royal couple made an effort to present a united front, particularly as they participated in the Saint Devote celebrations alongside their nine-year-old twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella. They were also joined by Melanie-Antoinette Costello de Massy, the daughter of Prince Albert’s cousin, Baroness Elizabeth Ann de Massy.

During the celebrations, the Monaco royal family took part in the tradition of setting foliage on fire and watching a boat go up in flames. Prince Albert crouched down to converse with his children, and Princess Charlene closely observed her young ones as they partook in the festivities.

The scandal involving the royal family came to light following Palmero’s release of detailed information, including notes revealing Princess Charlene’s lavish expenditure on a holiday home in Corsica and her office redecoration. The scandal also drew attention to Prince Albert’s intricate personal life, including the financial support provided to his offspring.

Despite Palmero’s serious allegations, the royal family’s legal representative, Maître Jean-Michel Darrois, has contested the claims, particularly those related to Princess Charlene’s employment of illegal migrants.

This is not the first time that the Monaco royal couple has faced intense scrutiny, as they have long been under public glare. Nevertheless, they have remained resolute in demonstrating solidarity in the face of personal and financial challenges.

The royal couple’s public appearance at the Saint Devote celebration is an endeavour to divert attention from the scandal, and they have successfully projected a sense of unity and strength amid the accusations. The Monaco royal family has shown their willingness to confront the challenges they encounter, presenting a united front in the face of adversity.

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