Navigating the World of Enterprise Technology and Digitalisation Costs in Developing Economies

3 min read

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, there is a growing emphasis on digitalisation and the necessity to invest in the most current enterprise technologies. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the need for modernisation and the escalating costs associated with these investments, particularly in emerging economies.

A significant issue that arises is the requirement for a scientific model to underpin decision-making in technology investments. The expenses related to enterprise technology and digitalisation are on the rise, making it imperative for businesses to have practical strategies in place to effectively manage these challenges.

Effectively controlling these costs demands a strategic and proactive approach, which is especially daunting in developing economies where market uncertainties and limited capital add further pressure. One approach that businesses can adopt is technology investment prioritisation to ensure that investments align with overall business objectives.

The licensing for enterprise technology stack can be intricate, with a substantial portion of costs attributed to licensing, software, and infrastructure support. The transition from perpetual licensing to subscription models has further complicated contract negotiations. Businesses should explore opportunities for renegotiating subscription contracts to effectively manage costs.

Another crucial consideration is conducting a detailed evaluation of technology and digitalisation plans, including acquisition costs, implementation timelines, and technical support. Often overlooked are the costs associated with integration with internal and external systems, as well as the need for robust vendor relationships to maximize benefits.

In the age of everything as a service (XaaS), flexible deployment options and scalable infrastructure have provided businesses with cost-effective solutions. Technology pooling, joint training, and knowledge transfer on infrastructure and application hosting are also viable options for businesses facing budget constraints.

While these strategies present opportunities, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and consider whether high-cost technology investments are necessary. Data-driven decisions at the point of technology refresh, overhaul, or migration can be supported by tools like the Gartner magic quadrant, providing valuable insights into leading technology products.

Ultimately, the key to navigating the world of enterprise technology and digitalisation costs lies in a combination of strategic decision-making, proactive management, and a comprehensive understanding of the available options. While more industry data and peer-to-peer information sharing are needed to support professionals in this space, it is clear that businesses must carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of their technology investments to drive sustainable growth and competitiveness.

This article was composed by Malitt, a technology and investments expert, and offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding enterprise technology and digitalisation costs.

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