Revolutionary Printing Presses by Komori America Corporation

2 min read

Komori America Corporation has recently unveiled its latest offerings, the Lithrone GX40RP and Lithrone GX44RP dedicated double-sided offset printing presses, which now come equipped with the company’s advanced technology. These presses are part of Komori’s GX/G advance series of offset presses, aimed at supporting the digital transformation and sustainability efforts in the printing industry by providing full automation and seamless integration with other production processes through centralized, digital technologies.

The GLX40/44RP advance presses have been specifically designed to meet the evolving demands of the printing industry by enabling dedicated two-sided printing without the need for a traditional convertible perfecting unit. This innovation significantly reduces production time, increases the printable area of the sheet, improves front-to-back register quality, and enhances overall efficiency, thereby emphasizing sustainability as a profitable focus for printers.

A key feature of the GLX40/44RP advance presses is the reverse printing technology, which eliminates the need to flip the sheet in order to print on both sides. This results in design advantages, as the sheet no longer requires a non-print gripper area for both the lead and tail sides, ultimately improving the overall printing process. Additionally, these multi-colour presses, with a speed of 18,000 sph, only require a gripper margin on one side, leading to a reduction in paper waste and allowing for more square inches to be available for the image area.

Suitable for both commercial and packaging printers, the GLX40/44RP advance presses offer high-speed, one-pass, two-sided printing with exceptional stability, enabling them to handle a wide range of materials, including commercial grade papers, board stock, and synthetic substrates of varying thicknesses.

Lance Martin, VP of Marketing at Komori America, highlighted the productivity and versatility of the GLX40/44RP advance series, particularly its ability to perform well on both heavy and light stocks, which can be challenging for traditional perfectors. Customers who have installed these presses have reported significant improvements in production efficiency for packaging and commercial applications, while also meeting important environmental goals.

In the ever-evolving printing industry, Komori America Corporation’s innovative GLX40/44RP advance series of offset presses represents a significant step forward in the quest for digital transformation and sustainability. By combining advanced technology with enhanced productivity and efficiency, these presses are set to make a lasting impact on the future of printing.

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