Quantum5 Expands Learning Opportunities in Automotive Retail with Trivie Acquisition

2 min read

The acquisition of Trivie by Quantum5 marks a significant milestone in the automotive industry. Ander, the CEO of Quantum5 and its automotive division, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Trivie, a modern workforce engagement platform that utilises AI-generative tools to personalise learning content, build community, and effectively deliver higher learning experiences through knowledge reinforcement science.

This strategic move reflects Quantum5’s commitment to addressing the challenges faced by the automotive industry and providing learners with a positive and impactful learning experience. Trivie’s technology, combined with the expertise of its design team, is based on the science of knowledge retention, as demonstrated by their successful work with the largest automotive global OEM to drive EV knowledge retention.

Ken Herfurth, Chief Vision Officer of Quantum5, remarked, “Trivie’s AI technology, customer base, and team align seamlessly with our mission to build human-centric ecosystems in large enterprises, facilitating individual growth and development.”

The integration of Trivie’s technology within the Quantum5 automotive learning ecosystem will provide OEMs and dealers with a comprehensive solution for upskilling and reskilling learners at all levels. David O’Brien, CEO of Quantum5, highlighted the impact of Trivie’s learning reinforcement science on driving higher engagement and AI-driven retention strategies, ultimately delivering a higher ROI for customers.

Lawrence Schwartz, CEO of Trivie, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition, stating that Quantum5 now offers the most comprehensive learning ecosystem for the automotive industry. This collaboration between Quantum5 and Trivie signals a pivotal moment in automotive retail learning, with the potential to revolutionise the learning experience and enhance knowledge retention and performance.

As the partnership between Quantum5 and Trivie evolves, the automotive industry stands to benefit immensely. This acquisition ushers in a new era of automotive retail learning, promising unparalleled opportunities for growth and development at all levels. The industry eagerly anticipates the positive impact of this collaboration, which has the potential to redefine the approach to learning and development in the automotive sector.

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