Revolutionizing Energy Efficiency in Supermarkets: Danfoss and Enersponse Team Up to Bring Demand-Response Technology

The food retail industry is currently experiencing a substantial transformation focusing on digitalization and sustainability. In line with this green transition, Danfoss has announced a strategic collaboration with Enersponse, a distributed energy resource management company, to enhance energy flexibility in HVAC and refrigeration systems at supermarkets using automated demand-response (Auto-DR) technology.

As per a press release from Danfoss, the partnership with Enersponse is set to enable retailers to achieve grid stability and financial rewards automatically. This will be accomplished through the use of Auto-DR, which aids in reducing energy usage during peak periods when electricity demand exceeds supply. This not only ensures the continual operation of crucial systems such as lighting and refrigeration but also contributes to reducing energy consumption during high-demand periods, often coinciding with high-emission periods.

The integration of Enersponse’s Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) platform into Danfoss Alsense, an Internet of Things (IoT) cloud solution designed to monitor refrigeration performance, will enable retail managers to promptly respond to alarms, ensure constant monitoring of food conditions, and ultimately minimize energy usage. This integration is expected to significantly impact the overall energy efficiency and sustainability of supermarkets.

James McPhail, founder and CEO of Enersponse, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, emphasizing the commitment to working with premier building control partners and highlighting the significant benefits that this partnership will deliver to customers. He also stressed the importance of maintaining safety standards to ensure perishable foods remain within safe temperature zones, along with other advantages.

Natalie Schnippering, head of digital services at Danfoss, expressed similar excitement about the partnership, highlighting the potential for digital innovation to capture and utilize supermarket data for optimizing energy usage, automating corrective actions, and preventing peak energy loads and wastage.

The collaboration between Danfoss and Enersponse is poised to have a profound impact on energy efficiency and sustainability within the food retail industry. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, the two companies are well-positioned to revolutionize energy management in supermarkets, ultimately contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for the industry and the planet as a whole.

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