The Sale of Berkeley Green Science and Technology Park: A New Era of Energy Innovation

3 min read

Chiltern Vital Group (CVG) has been announced as the preferred bidder for the acquisition of Berkeley Green science and technology park, representing a major milestone for the future of the site. This development follows the signing of Heads of Terms for the strategic disposal of the campus by South Gloucestershire and Stroud College in January 2024.

The potential sale is subject to due diligence and contract processes with the goal of attracting significant commercial investment to the site. One potential outcome is the redevelopment of the park into a new nuclear power facility, with SGS and its on-site University Technical College playing a key role in this transformation.

Kevin Hamblin, CEO of SGS College, has expressed that the potential acquisition of SGS Berkeley by an energy consortium such as CVG would be more than just a transaction. He emphasized that it would establish a partnership focused on driving advancements in nuclear technology. This collaboration is particularly important for SGS College as it ensures the continued involvement of the college at SGS Berkeley as a key educational partner, offering tailored training and research opportunities aligned with the advancements championed by the consortium. The sale represents a significant milestone in the college’s history and promises to usher in a new era of energy innovation and educational excellence in the region.

Berkeley Green was previously the site of a Magnox nuclear reactor, decommissioned in 1989. CVG, alongside its major shareholder Vital Energi, is a prominent player in the zero-carbon energy sector and is currently collaborating with Rolls Royce and the University of Bristol to establish a ‘low-carbon energy super cluster’ at Berkeley and Oldbury, utilizing Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology.

Should the project materialize, it has the potential to facilitate the future deployment of SMRs and related technologies across the UK. Tom Scott, Director of the SW Nuclear Hub, has expressed his excitement about CVG Group’s potential purchase of the Berkeley Science Park site, highlighting its suitability as a national hub for nuclear innovation and advanced energy technologies. He underlined the site’s historical significance in nuclear research and innovation, and its potential to become a leading international hub for training, research, and innovation.

Chris Turner, CEO of CVG, has expressed his company’s honour at being selected as the preferred bidder to deliver an advanced zero-carbon/nuclear technology park. He emphasized the potential for the creation of a Severn Edge (Berkeley/Oldbury) zero-carbon axis, encompassing a wide range of advanced technologies, including the potential deployment of new nuclear generation technology such as SMRs at Oldbury.

Gloucestershire County Council leader, councillor Mark Hawthorne, also shared his enthusiasm for the prospects of a Severn Edge low-carbon energy campus at Berkeley and Oldbury. He emphasized the potential for this initiative to drive economic growth and create new green jobs and skills opportunities for local communities.

SGS College anticipates the due diligence process to be concluded on or before July 2024, marking a pivotal moment in the potential transformation of the Berkeley Green science and technology park.

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