The Impact of Personalized Diabetes Health Plans on Employee Engagement in a Midwest Automotive Group

At Gurley Leep, a prominent automotive group with 23 dealerships spanning the Midwest, the 1,300+ employees are esteemed as integral members of the organization. Initially established as a small family business, the company has successfully maintained a close-knit culture despite its expansion. Bobbi Imel, the director of human resources, emphasized the business owners’ perception of the company as a family enterprise, which is reflected in the comprehensive benefits offered to the employees.

Alongside distinctive benefits such as a “Make a Memory” vacation fund and dependent college scholarship support, Gurley Leep offers a competitive array of benefits, including a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA) with contributions from the company. Notably, the company enhanced its benefits package in 2023 with the introduction of Level2, a health plan specifically tailored to employees managing type 2 diabetes. This initiative was designed to provide substantial savings and support for employees dealing with this condition.

Following annual wellness screenings, Gurley Leep identified a significant portion of its employees contending with type 2 diabetes, a prevalent condition in the United States. Concerned about the implications of diabetes on their workforce and the escalating healthcare expenses, the company sought a viable solution. After an unsuccessful venture with a different vendor, Gurley Leep decided to offer its employees the Level2 Health Plan. This plan, offered by UnitedHealthcare, delivers specialized coverage for employees and their families managing type 2 diabetes, emphasizing improved treatment outcomes through personalized care and wearable technology.

The implementation of the Level2 Health Plan resulted in a substantial increase in employee engagement. Within just 6 months, the plan garnered a higher level of participation in comparison to the previous diabetes management program. Notably, 97% of employees with type 2 diabetes activated the Level2 Specialty Care program, and nearly 80% of them integrated their continuous glucose monitor (CGM). Gurley Leep attributes a portion of this success to the resources and materials provided by Level2, seamlessly integrated into their communication channels.

Moving forward, Gurley Leep aspires for even greater participation in the Level2 program, demonstrating the company’s ongoing commitment to prioritizing the well-being of their employees. Teresa Grace, the Benefits Manager at Gurley Leep, underscored the company’s dedication to its workforce and the impact of providing personalized health plans. She highlighted that when employees feel supported and secure in their benefits, they are able to fully dedicate themselves to their work.

As corporations increasingly acknowledge the significance of employee well-being, the case of Gurley Leep serves as a compelling example of how personalized health plans can significantly impact engagement and support within the workforce. By placing a premium on the specific needs of their employees, companies can cultivate a culture of care and investment in the well-being of their workforce.

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