A Healthier Lifestyle: The Key to a Longer and Better Life According to Romanians

Health and well-being are of paramount importance to the people of Romania in their pursuit of a longer and more fulfilling life. According to a recent longevity study conducted by NN Group in 11 countries, 71 percent of Romanian respondents consider adopting a healthy lifestyle to be essential for longevity. Furthermore, 68 percent feel the need to reduce stress, 62 percent seek more time with loved ones, and 56 percent are focused on securing a better financial future.

Despite the strong desire for a healthier lifestyle, 58 percent of Romanians find it challenging to keep up with the fast pace of daily life and manage stress. A concerning 76 percent experience moderate to high stress levels, with 63 percent consistently feeling exhausted during stressful periods. Consequently, 9 out of 10 individuals are actively seeking ways to reduce stress and better prepare for a longer life.

The participants highlighted the importance of adaptability to the demands of everyday life and financial stability during unexpected circumstances. While 58 percent express confidence in their ability to find solutions during difficult times, many admit that coping with unforeseen stressors would be a significant challenge. This underscores the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations, both in terms of health and financial security.

Chief Customer Officer of NN Romania, Gabriela Lupas-Ticu, emphasized the significance of prevention in health and finance, stating the importance of preparing for unexpected events such as job loss, health issues, or accidents. This preparation offers individuals the peace of mind to focus on what truly matters without the added worry of unplanned expenses.

The study also revealed that 8 in 10 Romanians are actively striving for a healthier lifestyle to support a longer life. Moreover, over half recognize the need to start preparing for their financial future as early as possible, in order to better manage the stress of unforeseen situations.

In addition to pursuing a healthier lifestyle and financial security, Romanians are also seeking a balanced work-life dynamic. While many express satisfaction with their current work-life balance and derive purpose from their jobs, 86 percent place great importance on professional development and income growth to ensure financial preparedness for retirement. Continuous skill and knowledge enhancement are key priorities for most participants.

Interestingly, 56 percent of respondents believe that a six-month break from work would significantly contribute to relaxation and overall well-being. Furthermore, 33 percent advocate for a revised life model, suggesting the introduction of more sabbatical periods throughout their career and a later retirement age than the current norm.

The NN Longevity Study, which was conducted online in 2023, included 1,008 Romanian respondents aged between 18 and 79. The comprehensive study also encompassed a total of 11,585 participants from the 11 countries where NN Group is established.

In conclusion, the study highlights the strong conviction of Romanians towards achieving a healthier lifestyle, reducing stress, and securing a better financial future as a means to ensure a longer and improved quality of life. These insights not only provide valuable data for personal reflection but also offer significant implications for policymakers and businesses in supporting the well-being and longevity of individuals.

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