Challenging the Norms: The Intersection of Attention, Algorithms, and Social Justice

State of Concept (19 Tousa Botsari, proudly presents the forthcoming group exhibition “Attention After Technology” in Athens from February 24 to April 27. This innovative showcase brings together seven talented artists to delve into the intricate relationship between attention, algorithms, and social justice. The compelling pieces will prompt visitors to investigate the transformation of our attention into a commodity, the perpetuation of biases by algorithms, and the potential for liberation through these systems. The exhibition also aims to stimulate discussions about attention as a political arena that fosters ongoing critical thinking. Admission is complimentary, so please mark your calendars and prepare for an enlightening experience.

The exhibition offers an insightful exploration of how technology has redefined and influenced our attention in the contemporary era. By examining the concept of attention as a commodity, visitors will acquire a deeper comprehension of how their focus and time have become valuable assets for corporations and advertisers. This thought-provoking theme encourages us to contemplate the impact of this commodification on our daily lives and societal structures.

Moreover, “Attention After Technology” will illuminate the inherent biases inherent in algorithms, the intricate codes utilized to dictate and control our online interactions. The participating artists will engage in a critical analysis of how these algorithms perpetuate and reinforce societal biases, impacting everything from the content we consume to the opportunities we encounter. This timely exploration prompts visitors to reflect on the implications of these biased systems on social justice and equality.

Additionally, the exhibition will explore the potential for liberation through technology and algorithms. While these systems undeniably perpetuate biases, the artists will also investigate the revolutionary and liberating possibilities that technology can offer. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, it is crucial to consider the ways in which attention and technology can be utilized as tools for positive change and empowerment.

Above all, “Attention After Technology” aims to transform attention into a platform for critical thought and political engagement. By framing attention as a potent political space, the exhibition endeavors to cultivate a culture of sustained and thoughtful contemplation in our fast-paced, technology-driven society. Visitors will be encouraged to engage with the artworks and consider the ways in which attention can be leveraged as a force for societal progress and change.

In conclusion, the “Attention After Technology” exhibition is a must-see for art enthusiasts, technology aficionados, and anyone passionate about the convergence of art, technology, and social justice. By providing a platform for critical dialogue and introspection, this showcase has the potential to ignite important conversations and inspire meaningful change. We urge you to seize this rare opportunity to explore the thought-provoking artworks and engage with the pressing issues they address. After all, when it comes to understanding the impact of technology on our attention and society, there’s no time like the present.

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