The Future of Deep Tech: Aman Singh, Co-Founder & Head of Analytics at Intangles

Before becoming a co-founder and head of analytics at Intangles, Aman Singh established a strong educational and professional foundation for his career. At the age of 21, Singh obtained his first patent in sentiment mining, highlighting his early dedication to innovation. He then refined his skills as a Decision Data Scientist at one of the world’s largest investment banking firms before transitioning into entrepreneurship with the launch of a startup based on his engineering thesis.

Reflecting on his journey, Singh identifies a pivotal moment that led to the creation of Intangles. He recognized the untapped potential of onboard diagnostics data for passenger vehicles, particularly in predictive health diagnostics. Shifting his focus from personally owned passenger vehicles to commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses, Singh redirected his efforts to address the limited opportunities within this sector.

Intangles initially concentrated on heavy commercial vehicles with large payload capacities, commonly referred to as ‘Gas Guzzlers’ due to their low fuel efficiency, averaging 2.5 to 3.5 kilometres per litre of diesel. Through their investigations, they discovered that 40% of the vehicles in their test group experienced issues related to mission-critical components within the fuel injection, air intake, and exhaust after-treatment systems. By addressing these issues, they achieved an impressive 8% increase in fuel efficiency across the entire fleet under examination.

With a specific use case in mind, Singh embarked on developing a hardware interface capable of seamlessly gathering data from various Commercial Vehicle platforms across different OEMs.

Looking ahead, the next phase of growth for Intangles focuses on expanding its presence and offerings in the global market. Singh states, “Our existing operations span across 17 countries, including regions such as the Middle East, APAC, South East Asia, Europe, South America, the USA, and Canada. This extensive geographical footprint positions us to tap into diverse markets and cater to a wide range of industries and clientele.”

As the co-founder and head of analytics at Intangles, Aman Singh is spearheading the company’s expansion into new territories while revolutionizing the monitoring and maintenance of commercial vehicles. With his commitment to innovation and a profound understanding of the industry, Singh embodies the future of deep tech.

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