Logan Energy’s £5m Cash Injection Supports Global Expansion of Hydrogen Technology

Logan Energy, headquartered in Edinburgh, recently secured a £5 million ($6.3 million) investment to strengthen the advancement of its hydrogen technology and facilities. This substantial financial injection, with over 50% originating from Lanxing New Energy in Singapore and the rest from Scottish Enterprise, will be instrumental in propelling the company’s Integrated Hydrogen Energy Systems and Energy Transition Solutions on an international scale.

Chief Executive Bill Ireland expressed his appreciation for the investment, highlighting its significance in addressing supply chain challenges within the industry and cultivating partnerships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and equipment developers globally. With this funding, Logan Energy is well-positioned to enhance its research and development capabilities in the United Kingdom.

The convergence of vision between Logan Energy and Lanxing New Energy is evident, as both entities acknowledge the enormous potential of hydrogen energy systems. The investment from Scottish Enterprise will further bolster Logan Energy’s research and development endeavors and facilitate the cultivation of a skilled and sustainable workforce in the burgeoning hydrogen economy.

Dr Yuxuan Zhang, Chief Executive of Lanxing New Energy, has indicated the company’s commitment to unveiling new capabilities for the hydrogen market in the near future, paving the way for Logan’s strategic expansion. Additionally, Scottish Enterprise Chief Executive Adrian Gillespie emphasized the installation of a hydrogen electrolyser at Arbikie Distillery in Scotland, a move that will enable the distillery to partially power its operations using green hydrogen, thereby contributing to its environmental sustainability efforts.

In addition to the developments in Scotland, Logan Energy has unveiled plans to introduce hydrogen production technology at a wastewater treatment plant in Cambridgeshire by 2022. This initiative underscores the company’s dedication to reducing carbon emissions and embracing sustainable practices.

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With this significant investment, Logan Energy is well-equipped to lead the global expansion of hydrogen technology, with a strong emphasis on sustainable energy solutions across diverse markets. As the world continues its transition towards renewable energy, Logan Energy’s advancements in hydrogen technology will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of clean energy.

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