Applying Artificial Intelligence to Real-World Challenges | Semafor

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In an interview transcript, Juan M. Lavista Ferres, Chief Data Scientist for Microsoft’s AI for Good Lab, discusses his new book ‘AI for Good’ and the positive applications of AI, as well as how it can be used to solve real-world problems. The book, co-authored by Microsoft’s Director of AI for Health, William Weeks, seeks to inspire and instruct on using AI for complex issues, such as humanitarian aid and earthquake damage assessment.

Despite AI’s growing popularity and evolution, there is still some confusion regarding its positive potentials. Many people are already unknowingly utilizing AI in their daily lives, whether through ride-sharing services, entertainment recommendations, or internet searches. Lavista Ferres, however, believes that as people learn about and experience the benefits of AI, they will become less apprehensive and more optimistic about the technology’s capabilities.

Some of the key areas where AI is being utilised to positive effect include healthcare and material science. In developing countries where medical professionals are scarce, AI models on smartphones can diagnose diseases and analyze medical scans. Additionally, in material science, AI can significantly reduce the time required for experimentations and predict the most impactful results, which was previously a laborious process.

When asked about the future of AI, Lavista Ferres expressed excitement about the increasing talent and resources being directed towards AI research. However, he also emphasized the need to approach the technology with caution and responsible application. He believes that the focus should remain on using AI as a tool to solve problems, rather than aiming for superintelligent, general-purpose models.

Ultimately, Lavista Ferres hopes that his book will inspire researchers and organizations to leverage AI to solve global challenges. His aspiration is for readers to be encouraged and empowered to apply the examples and insights provided in the book to create real-world solutions using AI.

In conclusion, Lavista Ferres’ insights and vision highlight the potential for AI to positively impact society and address real-world challenges. The application of AI in various fields, as demonstrated in his book, ‘AI for Good’, serves as a valuable resource for organizations and individuals looking to leverage AI for the betterment of society.