Strategies for Maximising Data in Business: Insights from Data Summit 2024

In the modern era of technology, the development of a robust data strategy is imperative for businesses striving to thrive and achieve success. Data plays a pivotal role in the functioning of any enterprise, and an effective data strategy serves as a blueprint for the utilization of data and analytics to foster greater success. It aids in streamlining operations, reducing expenditure, enhancing business decisions, and augmenting revenues.

At the annual Data Summit conference in Boston, Wayne Eckerson, the president of Eckerson Group, spearheaded a workshop that delved into the fundamental elements of crafting an actionable data strategy. According to his insights, a comprehensive data strategy encompasses various components, ranging from logical data architecture, data and analytics portfolio, enterprise data model and flows, data governance plan, operating model to a data literacy program.

Eckerson outlined the pivotal components of a fundamental data strategy, which involve optimization of the operating model, modernization of the data architecture, implementation of data governance, standardization of development, enhancement of self-service, and adherence to change management protocols throughout the process.

An intriguing facet of a data strategy is its function as a communication tool for various stakeholders within an enterprise. It not only elucidates the role of data in driving the business to executives but also secures buy-in from departmental heads and aligns the entire team towards a common direction and focus.

Moreover, a data strategy ought to be managed akin to a business entity, complete with a mission, objectives, critical success factors, key stakeholders, target clientele, success metrics, roadmap and priorities, initiatives and tasks, as well as a budget and plans. It should undergo a periodic review, preferably annually or following significant changes such as mergers, new corporate strategies, or technological shifts.

Embarking on the refreshment of a data strategy necessitates a comprehensive assessment of the current state of affairs within the enterprise. This extends from an evaluation of the business culture, users, data analysts, team, capabilities to the architecture.

Assessment of the business culture involves an examination of how the company perceives data as a crucial investment, provides employees with improved access to information, leverages algorithms to optimize processes, adopts new technology, shares data, collaborates on data and analytics activities, as well as how executives employ data to substantiate crucial decisions.

Equally imperative is understanding the challenges posed by the enterprise architecture. Whether it encompasses multiple data silos, absence of a data catalog, scarce advanced analytics, or an absence of support for varied data types, it significantly shapes the strategy’s potential for success.

Data governance, which supervises how data is managed and utilized to mitigate risks and amplify business outcomes, remains a pivotal element of a data strategy. It entails a framework that addresses the vision, mandate, strategy, roles, organization, processes, data policies, and monitoring.

Eckerson underlined that a data strategy does not merely revolve around data architecture, but encompasses people, processes, technology, and teams. It must be driven by business imperatives, comprehend the people and culture within an enterprise, and rally support for change.

For those interested, presentations from the Data Summit 2024 are available for review at

In conclusion, the implementation of a successful data strategy entails several components, including apprehending the business culture, enterprise architecture, and data governance. It is a business-driven approach that necessitates support from every echelon within the enterprise.