How to Achieve Better Posture Using New Technological Advancements

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Do you find yourself guilty of slouching and experiencing the dreaded tech neck? Fortunately, there are new applications and devices that aim to tackle these issues and assist in improving our posture. From a camera-connected application to motion sensors in AirPods, there is a range of innovative technology available to help us straighten up.

One such application, Nekoze, utilizes your computer’s camera to detect when your head is slouching and will prompt you to sit up straight. Meanwhile, Posture Pal uses motion sensors to monitor your posture, with a delightful giraffe named Rafi providing a friendly reminder to help you stay aligned.

Additionally, there are wearable devices designed to correct posture, such as The Posture Right Intelligent Vibrating Posture Trainer, which vibrates to remind you to sit back up when you begin to slouch. However, a buzzing device of this nature may not be well-received by your colleagues, or even yourself, for that matter.

These helpful tools are intended to remind us of what good posture should look and feel like. The prevalence of slouching is, according to osteopath Nadia Alibhai from This Morning, partly a result of our excessive use of ‘look down’ screens, including laptops and mobile phones. This habit significantly increases the effective weight of our heads, leading to real issues in our neck and back muscles.

Tech neck is not just a myth. The continual leaning forward and hunching over our gadgets is causing our necks to shorten and even disappear. Our screen-obsessed generation is beginning to exhibit what is commonly known as the dowager’s hump.

So, what is the solution to these issues? It is time to bid farewell to overstuffed sofas and introduce some firm chairs. According to Alibhai, good seated posture starts with having your spine rise up tall from the sitting bones, which requires a firm foundation for support. As much as we may enjoy the comfortable chaos of working and eating in bed, it is high time to put an end to the trend for the sake of our posture.

Drawing inspiration from the late Queen’s proper sitting position, we can all strive to walk and sit taller with our shoulders back and chin pulled in. Not only does this contribute to better posture, it also presents a more youthful and confident appearance.

Given the advancements in technology and wellness, there is no doubt that proper posture is achievable for those who truly desire it. So, welcome the future of improved posture with these innovative tools and a few mindful adjustments to your daily routine.