The Centenarian’s Secret: A 93-Year-Old Water Polo Player Shares Tips for a Long and Healthy Life

3 min read

At the age of 93, John Starbrook, also known as “The Legend,” has emerged as an incredible source of inspiration for those pursuing an active and healthy lifestyle. With an impressive track record of completing 52 marathons, his commitment to fitness remains unshakeable, evident in his rigorous six-day-a-week gym routine targeting the entire body.

In addition to his extraordinary running milestones, Starbrook is a proficient swimmer, having honed his skills over a span of nearly eight decades, beginning during his tenure in the British Army Medical Corps. At 80 years old, he undertook a challenging one-mile swim across the Gulf of Corryvreckan to commemorate his 80th birthday, showcasing his remarkable endurance. Even at 93, Starbrook maintains a demanding schedule, swimming three times a week and actively engaging in water polo.

In response to inquiries regarding his approach to fitness, Starbrook revealed to The Guardian, “I’ve never smoked and drank much. My diet’s pretty normal. I have porridge in the morning and I eat a lot of veg, and not much-fried food.” His uncomplicated yet disciplined approach to health undeniably contributes to his exceptionally long and robust life.

According to dietician Kanika Narang from Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Starbrook’s active lifestyle and balanced dietary habits are instrumental in his longevity. Regular exercise not only supports cardiovascular health but also enhances muscle strength and flexibility while reducing the risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and cognitive decline.

Narang stressed the significance of engaging in various exercises like aerobics, strength training, and balance exercises to improve both physical and mental well-being, ultimately leading to a better quality of life and increased lifespan. Furthermore, she advised individuals to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily routines, irrespective of their age, as it is never too late to begin reaping the benefits of exercise.

Regarding diet, Narang highlighted that vegetarian diets are dense in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Moreover, curtailing consumption of fried foods is highly advantageous for overall health, as they often contain unhealthy fats contributing to cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. By favouring healthier cooking methods such as baking, grilling, or steaming, individuals can enhance their dietary quality and lower their risk of various health issues.

In conclusion, maintaining good health and a longer life necessitates shunning detrimental habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. By embracing a balanced and active lifestyle, individuals can significantly elevate their overall health, decrease the risk of premature death, and ultimately relish a superior quality of life.

Ultimately, the remarkable journey of John Starbrook stands as a testament to the fact that age poses no obstacle to leading a healthy and fulfilling life. By following his lead of regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and abstention from harmful habits, individuals can undoubtedly aspire to enjoy a prolonged and healthy life.