Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Saskatchewan

The Rural Ambassador Program, a new initiative, has been established to provide support and resources for women business owners in rural Saskatchewan. Sponsored by Women Entrepreneurs Saskatchewan (WESK), this program aims to address the gender entrepreneurship gap by empowering women to start and grow their businesses through mentorship and networking opportunities.

Miriam Johnson, CEO of WESK, emphasised the importance of providing support to women-owned businesses in rural areas. According to Johnson, this accessible support will not only help women entrepreneurs reach their full potential but also contribute to the development of stronger communities and sustainable economic growth.

The program will be facilitated by five regional ambassadors, who are themselves business owners with a passion for entrepreneurship. These ambassadors will serve as connection points within rural communities, providing support to women at every stage of their business-ownership journeys. They will also facilitate networking, mentorship, and promotional opportunities through local WESK Connect events, trade shows, and ongoing efforts to showcase women-owned businesses in their communities.

One of the unique aspects of the program is its ability to provide financial support to women entrepreneurs who may face challenges in securing loans from traditional financial institutions. Johnson highlighted the role of WESK in taking on the risk of supporting women with promising business concepts, even when they may face obstacles in securing credit from banks and other financial outlets.

The Rural Ambassador Program has received funding of £450,000 from Prairies Economic Development Canada, enabling WESK to expand its support for women entrepreneurs throughout the province.

In conclusion, the Rural Ambassador Program is a significant step towards addressing the gender entrepreneurship gap in rural Saskatchewan. By providing women business owners with the support and resources they need, this program aims to empower women to achieve success and contribute to the economic development of their communities.