Settlement Reached Between Emcure Pharma and HDT Bio Over Covid Vaccine Technology Theft

Emcure Pharmaceuticals, a prominent Indian pharmaceutical company, and HDT Bio, a leading vaccine developer based in the United States, have reached an official resolution regarding allegations that Emcure unlawfully obtained trade secrets from HDT during their collaborative efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. A joint press release issued on Friday announced that both companies have reached a settlement, marking an end to the legal dispute.

The agreement entails a long-term partnership between Emcure and HDT for the ongoing development of mRNA-based vaccines, as well as a licensing arrangement that grants Emcure the rights to use HDT’s mRNA technology. This settlement brings an end to a lawsuit filed in the United States and an arbitration process conducted in the United Kingdom.

Emcure CEO Satish Mehta expressed his satisfaction with the resolution, stating, “We are delighted that the misunderstanding between us and HDT not only stands resolved but we have widened the scope of our technical collaboration.” HDT CEO Steve Reed also expressed optimism for the future, stating that their collaborative efforts will contribute to delivering life-saving vaccines to numerous individuals.

The legal dispute arose when HDT Bio filed a lawsuit against Emcure in a U.S. court in Seattle, alleging that Emcure had misappropriated their self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) vaccine technology for Covid-19. HDT claimed that their saRNA vaccine was safer, more cost-effective, portable, and likely more efficient compared to existing mRNA vaccine technology.

According to the allegations, HDT had licensed its saRNA technology to Emcure’s subsidiary, Gennova Biopharmaceuticals, for the development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in India. However, HDT asserted that Gennova unlawfully claimed the vaccine, applying for two Indian patents that covered HDT’s technology and promoting its “indigenously developed” vaccines in regulatory filings. Despite the legal battle, Gennova’s Covid-19 vaccine received emergency approval from the Indian government in 2022.

HDT’s lawsuit sought at least $950 million in damages, accusing Gennova of breaching their licensing agreement. Although a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit last year due to the lack of jurisdiction over the India-based companies, HDT was granted permission to refile its complaint.

The resolution of this legal dispute signifies a significant development in the collaboration between Emcure Pharmaceuticals and HDT Bio. This settlement not only brings an end to the contentious legal battle but also paves the way for continued cooperation in the critical mission of developing and distributing life-saving Covid-19 vaccines. (Source: Reuters)