Revolutionary Technology Developed for Blood Testing Devices

A recent notable achievement has been made by a team of researchers in Japan, who have successfully developed a microfluidic control technology that has the potential to revolutionise small blood testing devices. This ground-breaking technology has laid the foundation for the creation of an integrated immunoassay device, offering a promising solution to the cost-related challenges that have hindered the widespread adoption of microfluidic chips.

The team, led by Assistant Professor Shunya Okamoto of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology, and Associate Professor Yoshiaki Ukita of the Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Yamanashi, has recently published their study results in the distinguished journal RSC Advances.

Unlike conventional analysis systems, the use of microfluidic chips offers several benefits, such as reduced sample volume and shorter analysis time. However, precise fluid control in extremely small spaces, ranging from 50–300 μm, has been a challenging requirement for this technology.

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method has been significant in blood analysis for cancer biomarker measurement due to its high sensitivity. However, it has been limited by the need for complex fluid control. Previous studies have relied on intricate structures, multiple valve systems, pumps, and extensive user training, all of which contribute to the increased cost of the devices and test chips.

To overcome these limitations, the researchers have developed a centrifugal microfluidic chip with autonomous control functions. This chip features a simple channel structure that can be manufactured using mass-production technologies. Importantly, the chip can be operated simply by rotating it at a constant speed for several tens of minutes, eliminating the need for complex fluid control systems.

Additionally, to address the challenge of analyzing numerous samples and the need for extensive dispensing operations, the team has designed a dispensing mechanism to automatically distribute reagents and demonstrated the operation of a “multi-sample microvolume simultaneous analysis device” that implements this mechanism in an analysis unit.

The analysis using IgG antibodies as test substances revealed that the sample volume could be as small as 5 μL, collected even by finger prick, without sacrificing detection sensitivity. Furthermore, the analysis time was reduced by one-third to approximately 30 minutes, as compared to manual analysis.

Although the prototype devices are currently at the laboratory level, the team intends to optimize the design using mass-production processing methods and materials for practical applications in the future.

The emerging fluid control technology holds the promise of making microfluidic chips a feasible option due to their simple structure and easy operation, both of which contribute to addressing cost-related issues—the primary obstacle to the widespread adoption of these chips.

The potential applications of this technology are vast. Currently, blood analyzers are predominantly found in the central laboratories of general hospitals. However, with advancements in cost reduction and device miniaturization, as well as improved usability, blood analyzers could be deployed in clinics, drugstores, and even households, making blood tests more accessible and significantly improving people’s quality of life.

These significant research findings have the potential to transform the landscape of blood testing technology, making it more convenient and cost-effective while ensuring high accuracy and reliability.

For additional information, the study, “Automatic microdispenser-integrated multiplex enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay device with autonomously driven centrifugal microfluidic system,” was published in RSC Advances and can be accessed at

Citation: Researchers establish microfluidic control technology for blood testing devices (2024, May 28) retrieved 28 May, 2024 from