Buyer Beware: Importance of Property Search and Council Performance

Purchasing a property can be a challenging and complex process, involving significant costs, frustration, and, most importantly, delays. These delays not only cause inconvenience, but also provide an opportunity for competing buyers to swoop in and secure the property. In some cases, extended delays can even impact the associated mortgage agreement.

A recent study has highlighted the considerable variation in the time taken by local councils to conduct essential property searches, particularly those for significant planning applications. The research, carried out by Home Sale Pack using data from Property Searches Direct, revealed that while the average time to return a Local Authority Search is 11 days, the speed at which this is accomplished varies significantly across different councils.

Certain councils have distinguished themselves for their efficiency in promptly returning searches, with some managing to do so in less than three days. For instance, the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council returns Local Authority Searches in an average of just two days, setting a high standard for others to follow. On the other hand, the Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council and Canterbury City Council were identified as the slowest performers, taking an average of 62 days to complete and return searches. These findings highlight the marked disparities in performance among councils.

Interestingly, private companies now offer alternative Local Authority searches that compete with those offered by councils, returning the required information to buyers in an average of eight days. In the case of the Wirral Metropolitan Borough, a private company can turn around the search data in an average of five days, a significant improvement over the council’s standard of 62 days.

Ruth Beeton, Co-Founder of Home Sale Pack, stressed the importance of Local Authority Searches in property transactions, describing them as a significant frustration for homebuyers. She noted that until these searches are completed, buyers are unable to finalize their purchases, leaving them at the mercy of the local council. Beeton also highlighted the variability in the speed of these searches, stating that it’s largely dependent on the location.

Beeton suggested that one solution to expedite the process and save buyers time and hassle is for sellers to have the searches completed when they first put the property on the market. This way, the completed search can be provided to all interested buyers immediately, streamlining the process and reducing the chances of a sale falling through.

For those interested in finding out how their local council performs in terms of property searches, Property Searches Direct has collated and provided data to help buyers make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the varying turnaround times for Local Authority Searches across different councils underscore the challenges that homebuyers face when navigating the property purchasing process. While private search firms present an alternative, the ultimate goal is to streamline the process to save time and minimize the risk of a failed transaction. The need for a more efficient and reliable solution in property searches is evident, and it is imperative for buyers and sellers to be well-informed about council performance in this aspect.