Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Cancer Risk

When discussing cancer, the statistics can be quite concerning, with a projected 50% of individuals set to develop the disease in their lifetime. Additionally, melanoma rates, the most fatal form of skin cancer, are currently at their highest in the UK and are anticipated to reach 20,800 cases this year.

Thankfully, a significant 17,000 of these cases are preventable, along with 38% of all cancer cases, as indicated by Cancer Research UK. This highlights the considerable impact our lifestyle choices can have on our susceptibility to cancer.

Dr. Haroon Hamid, a former NHS GP and co-founder of the wellness and aesthetics clinic Haus of Skin, accentuated that the risk of a cancer diagnosis is influenced by a “combination of environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors, as well as a degree of luck, or lack of luck.” Nevertheless, there are specific lifestyle adjustments that can be made to mitigate the risk of developing cancer.

Dr. Hamid also advocates for seeking medical consultation to address any symptoms and undergoing appropriate testing, rather than dismissing the symptoms.

The following lifestyle changes can aid in reducing the risk of cancer:
1. Increased Consumption of Fish: Introducing more fish into the diet, especially oily varieties like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna, can lower the risk of cancer due to their rich omega-3 fatty acid content.
2. Sun Protection: Consistently wearing sun protection and monitoring changes in moles can help prevent skin cancer, particularly for individuals at higher risk.
3. Enhanced Fibre Intake: Meeting the recommended 30g of fibre daily can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer, with simple fibre boosters such as chia seeds, popcorn, nuts, and beans.
4. Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Reducing alcohol intake and incorporating alcohol-free days can diminish the risk of various types of cancer, including breast and bowel cancer.
5. Reduced Processed Meat Consumption: Substituting processed meats with leaner protein sources like poultry, tofu, or legumes is advisable, as well as limiting the consumption of red meat.
6. Adequate Sleep: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and aiming for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night is important for overall health and may reduce the risk of cancer.
7. Incorporating Berries: Opting for a bowl of mixed berries rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can be a healthier alternative to sugary snacks.
8. Smoking Cessation: Smoking is closely linked to various cancers, making quitting one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of cancer.
9. Practising Safe Sex: Regular STI tests and using protection during sexual activity are crucial in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections that can lead to certain types of cancer.

Incorporating these lifestyle changes into daily routines can serve as a proactive approach to lowering the risk of cancer and maintaining overall health. If there are any health concerns or symptoms being experienced, it is important to seek guidance from a medical professional for proper assessment and advice.