Empowering Young Women in Computer Science: Malinda Williams Hosts Coding Boot Camp at JSU

Renowned Hollywood actress and entrepreneur, Malinda Williams, graced Jackson State University with her presence over the weekend, with a noble mission to empower aspiring young women who are interested in pursuing a career in computer science.

The coding boot camp, known as E.S.T.E.A.M., is specifically tailored for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and focuses on entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. The primary goal is to ignite excitement and readiness among young girls to venture into the field of computer science.

During the visit, Malinda Williams engaged with dozens of girls at the Jackson State Science building, where they participated in various coding activities and workshops. These included app development, S.T.E.A.M. training, Apple programming language, and the creation of their own websites.

One of the students, Ka’Pri Burden, expressed her admiration for Williams, stating, “Knowing that she took the time to learn how to code herself when society had different odds facing her is empowering and inspiring.”

Williams shared her invaluable knowledge and personal experiences in the industry, emphasizing the importance of having a say in the programming and information input into computer systems. She stressed the significance of representation and diversity in the technology sector.

The four-week training program, conducted under Williams’ non-profit Foundation, Arise and Shine, provides young women at HBCUs with practical experiences to succeed in the field of computer technology. This initiative is crucial, especially since the industry currently faces a decline in the representation of Black women.

Ka’Pri Burden highlighted the importance of programs like this, stating, “Being a part of a program that supports and encourages us to increase those numbers is something I’m very proud to be a part of.”

Furthermore, the boot camp not only focuses on technical training but also on nurturing the confidence and motivation of the participants. Williams underlined the significance of building a strong foundation for confidence and conveying support and value to the young women, as they prepare to embark on their careers in a male-dominated industry.

Malinda Williams expressed her delight in collaborating with the students at JSU, and she has been thoroughly impressed by her experiences in the capital city. She emphasized the honor she felt in working with such a remarkable group of students.

In conclusion, Malinda William’s efforts to empower young women in computer science are truly commendable. Her commitment to providing practical training and mentorship will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the participants’ future careers in technology.

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