Nigerians Embrace Gym Culture to Combat Health Issues

The gym has evolved into more than a mere exercise venue; it has transformed into a social setting where individuals forge connections and establish communities. This trend of gym attendance has seen a surge in Nigeria, with an increasing number of people turning to fitness centres to address their health and wellness needs. From young adults to the elderly, many have found comfort in adhering to regular exercise routines.

One such individual is Biola, who grappled with health and emotional difficulties in October 2023. His decision to commence attending the gym stemmed from a decline in his health, evidenced by symptoms such as dizziness, respiratory issues, and obesity-related concerns. This encounter motivated him to prioritize his health and commit to routine workouts at the gym.

Likewise, 33-year-old Ayodeji Adeyeye joined the gym after battling weight gain following her National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) year. Dissatisfied with her physique and grappling with low self-esteem, she took charge of her health and wellness through regular gym sessions.

Even the elderly, such as Grandma Taiwo Olojede, have recognized the significance of the gym in their health journey. After experiencing mobility issues and being diagnosed with high cholesterol, she heeded her children’s advice and incorporated physical exercise into her daily routine.

The fitness industry in Nigeria has witnessed an increased demand for both online and in-person services. Projections indicate that the industry is experiencing significant growth, with an estimated revenue of $563.60 million in 2024 and $838 million in 2028. Factors contributing to its expansion include a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, as well as an increased awareness of the necessity to prevent chronic diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles.

While many are drawn to the gym to enhance their body image and self-esteem, it is imperative to approach exercise in a structured and purpose-driven manner. Fitness expert Dr Adaobi Okonji underscores the importance of selecting well-equipped gyms and seeking clearance from health professionals before embarking on an exercise regimen, particularly for individuals with underlying health conditions.

The experience of body shaming is a reality for many individuals, as they compare their bodies to societal standards. Adeyeye, who once felt scrutinized for her physique, found comfort in the gym, where she encountered a supportive community that encouraged her progress and development.

For those seeking to complement exercise with dietary adjustments, it is crucial to seek professional advice to ensure that the dietary plan aligns with individual health needs. Dr Okonji emphasizes the importance of refraining from embarking on a diet solely based on intuition and instead seeking guidance from a qualified health professional.

Beyond the physical benefits of exercise, numerous individuals, such as Biola, regard the gym as a therapeutic and reflective space. Establishing connections with like-minded individuals and developing a community within the gym has become a significant social benefit for many gym enthusiasts.

The gym culture in Nigeria transcends mere fitness; it encompasses a holistic approach to health and wellness. It revolves around building communities, seeking support, and prioritizing personal well-being. As more individuals acknowledge the importance of maintaining fitness, the gym emerges as a crucial space for enhancing and sustaining their health.

In conclusion, the gym culture in Nigeria surpasses the realm of fitness; it revolves around fostering comprehensive health and wellness. It centres on constructing communities, seeking support, and prioritizing personal well-being. As more individuals recognize the significance of maintaining fitness, the gym has evolved into a pivotal space for enhancing and preserving their health.