Protecting Your Wi-Fi Network: New Technology Reduces Cyberattack Risks

In the contemporary era, an increasing number of household devices are interconnected with the internet. From thermostats to doorbells to washing machines and dryers, it seems that almost everything in our homes is now linked to the internet. However, despite the convenience these devices offer, they also give rise to potential security risks. The vulnerabilities present in Internet of Things (IoT) devices leave our networks open to cyberattacks.

Professor Phil Lundrigan of Brigham Young University has provided insights into how the design of Wi-Fi security exposes our networks to potential threats. Connecting a new device to our Wi-Fi network essentially grants it full access, thereby making even a single unsecured device capable of compromising the entire network. This significantly heightens the vulnerability of the network to malware and cyberattacks.

To tackle this issue, Lundrigan and his team have devised a solution aimed at providing partial trust to simple IoT devices such as air quality monitors, allowing them to connect to your home network without putting it at risk. They have developed a new wireless subprotocol entitled “Latency Shift Keying,” which creates an air gap for safety between untrusted IoT devices and a secured network. This method ensures that communication only flows in one direction and only when the trusted WiFi network requires to receive data.

Lundrigan’s solution offers a much-needed alternative to existing methods, which often necessitate additional hardware or advanced network configuration. Unlike other solutions, this software-based approach does not require any extra hardware and leverages the primary Wi-Fi network, making it more straightforward for consumers to implement.

This pioneering technology represents a significant step towards safeguarding our networks from cyberattacks and providing a secure environment for our IoT devices. The full details of this solution can be explored in a paper recently accepted for presentation at the 2024 International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking.

It is essential to safeguard our digital lives from potential threats, especially as the number of interconnected devices continues to grow. Lundrigan’s work presents an innovative solution that holds the potential to protect countless networks from cyberattacks. With the assistance of advancements like “Latency Shift Keying,” we can ensure that our home devices remain connected and secure.