The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Nvidia CEO’s Vision for Physical AI

Nvidia Chief Executive Officer Jensen Huang has outlined his vision for the next phase of artificial intelligence (AI), which extends beyond virtual applications. According to Huang, the future of AI lies in physical AI, where robots can comprehend the laws of physics and autonomously execute complex tasks in real-world scenarios.

During the annual technology trade show COMPUTEX in Taiwan, Huang presented his vision for the upcoming wave of AI, highlighting the potential for AI to collaborate with humans in diverse physical environments. He spotlighted Nvidia’s Isaac AI robot development platform, which is currently employed to enhance productivity in factories and warehouses, paving the way for a new era of robotics.

One of the crucial applications of physical AI is in the advancement of autonomous machines and robots, such as industrial arms and humanoids. Huang disclosed that Nvidia’s Isaac platform is propelling the exploration, development, and production of millions of AI-powered robots, demonstrating the tangible impact of AI in real-world settings.

Contrary to being purely theoretical, physical AI is already making significant progress in industries globally, with over five million pre-programmed robots undergoing testing and validation. These robots, which are being refined through digital twin simulations in Nvidia’s Omniverse, are poised to revolutionize the manufacturing landscape.

Looking ahead, Huang also revealed Nvidia’s plan for AI chips, underscoring the company’s dedication to innovation. Building upon the success of its Blackwell platform, Nvidia is preparing to introduce the Blackwell Ultra chip in 2025, followed by the next-generation Rubin platform in 2026. The Rubin platform is set to introduce new GPUs, an advanced CPU named Vera, and sophisticated networking chips, signaling a major advancement in AI hardware.

Additionally, Huang announced Nvidia’s commitment to maintaining a “one-year rhythm” for the introduction of new chips, underscoring the company’s unwavering pursuit of technological progression. This announcement coincided with Nvidia’s exceptional financial performance for fiscal year 2025, with a record $26 billion in revenue, exceeding Wall Street’s expectations by a significant margin.

Looking towards the future, it is evident that the potential of physical AI is limitless, with Nvidia at the forefront of propelling innovation in this realm. With the convergence of AI, robotics, and state-of-the-art hardware, the vision of a world powered by physical AI is rapidly materializing, ushering in a new era of technological possibilities.