Exploring Groundbreaking Software Development at InfoQ Dev Summit Munich

The prestigious InfoQ Dev Summit Munich is scheduled to take place on the 26th and 27th of September, providing an immersive and interactive forum for senior software engineers, architects, and team leaders. This two-day, in-person conference will be situated in the lively Bavarian capital and will showcase a diverse range of sessions focusing on critical topics such as generative AI and platform engineering. Notably, these sessions will feature compelling use cases from leading German automotive, banking, and telecommunication industries.

Tailored to cater to seasoned software engineers, software architects, and team leaders throughout Europe, this conference guarantees a plethora of valuable insights and actionable advice. Attendees can anticipate gaining expert guidance from 22 technical talks delivered by senior software practitioners. These engaging sessions will cover a wide spectrum of current developer imperatives, including machine learning, security, site reliability engineering, and the scaling of Java applications.

The event will place significant emphasis on the crucial themes of generative AI and the transition of machine learning models into production. Notably, renowned figures such as Olalekan Elesin, Engineering Director at HRS Group and AWS Machine Learning Hero, will impart astute insights on enhancing the developer experience by leveraging generative AI capabilities on the cloud. Similarly, Andrey Cheptsov, Founder of dstack, will elaborate on the use of open-source LLMs for production purposes. Additionally, Ines Montani, CEO at Explosion and core developer of spaCy, will offer practical solutions for integrating cutting-edge models into real-world applications and distilling their knowledge into smaller, more efficient components.

The conference will also delve into the performance concerns of system and software architects, with a specific focus on the speed and efficiency of WebAssembly. Notable speakers such as Danielle Lancashire, Principal Software Engineer at Fermyon, and Gunnar Morling, developer behind the One Billion Row Challenge, will share insights and strategies related to the usage and advantages of WebAssembly. Moreover, Johannes Bechberger, a JVM developer at SAP, and Markus Kett, CEO at MicroStream, will provide valuable insights on how Java developers can build a speedy firewall with eBPF and create ultra-fast in-memory database applications.

Distinguishing itself from the InfoQ Dev Summit Boston, the Munich event will highlight themes of local significance, with speakers showcasing compelling use cases from the German automotive, banking, and telecommunication industries. Despite the international nature of the conference, all presentations and activities will be conducted in English. Furthermore, details regarding the topics of two keynote sessions are set to be announced imminently. The event presents a unique opportunity for senior software practitioners to convene, exchange knowledge, and establish valuable connections. We extend a cordial invitation to join us in Munich this September for what is anticipated to be a transformative experience in the realm of software development.