Norwegian Cruise Line Embraces Cloud Migration for Technology Infrastructure

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) has undergone a substantial transformation in its technological infrastructure with the migration to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its shoreside operations. The migration, which spanned over a 15-month period, involved the transfer of more than 100 applications, thousands of servers, data center environments, and peripheral server rooms to the cloud, marking a significant milestone for the cruise industry.

Georgios Mortakis, NCLH’s chief information officer and chief information security officer, led the cloud migration alongside Humberto Pombo, senior director of Infrastructure at NCLH, expressing great enthusiasm about being at the forefront of cloud adoption in the cruise industry. The migration process has resulted in notable improvements in performance, allowing the company to innovate and deliver exceptional experiences for employees, guests, and travel partners.

One of the critical workloads successfully moved to the cloud includes NCLH’s reservation system and mobile apps, signifying a shift towards harnessing the capabilities of cloud technology for core operations. Mortakis highlighted the company’s achievement in handling record volumes during peak traffic events without any performance or availability issues, demonstrating the effectiveness of the migration.

In addition to the migration, NCLH has integrated development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) practices into its software development processes. This approach enables secure coding practices, automates security testing procedures, and mitigates human errors to enhance overall security and performance.

Despite the challenges encountered during the migration process, meticulous planning, cutting-edge technologies, and an unwavering commitment from the implementation team were integral to the successful transition. With the shoreside technology infrastructure now cloud-based, NCLH is poised to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) through AWS analytics, machine learning, and generative AI services to drive further advancements in its operations.

With a fleet of 32 ships that travel to 700 destinations worldwide, NCLH has ambitious plans to add 13 ships to its fleet by 2036. The company has also signed an agreement with SpaceX’s satellite Starlink service to provide connectivity to its fleet, aligning with the industry trend of utilising satellite services for enhanced connectivity at sea.

The move towards cloud migration and embracing advanced technologies is a strategic move for NCLH to stay competitive and deliver exceptional experiences for its customers. As the cruise industry continues to evolve, technology integration is becoming increasingly vital for companies to thrive in the market. Other major players in the industry, such as Carnival Corporation and other cruise liners, are also making significant technological investments to enhance their operations and services.

NCLH’s successful migration to the cloud signifies a significant shift in the cruise industry’s technology landscape, and the company’s future adoption of AI capabilities further underscores its commitment to innovation and excellence. As NCLH continues to set the pace for technological advancements in the cruise sector, the impact of its transformation will undoubtedly shape the industry’s future.