Is Our Modern Lifestyle Putting Us at Risk for Tumours and Cancers?

3 min read

The global observance of World Brain Tumour Day on June 8 is dedicated to raising awareness of the health implications associated with tumours, particularly those affecting the brain. While not all tumours develop into cancers, those that do can pose a significant threat to an individual’s life. In order to delve deeper into this subject, an interview was conducted with Dr. Sonal Gupta, a distinguished senior director and Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at Fortis Hospital in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. The discussion yielded the following key insights:

Understanding Tumours, Cysts, and Cancer
A tumour is an abnormal solid mass of tissue caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells, while a cyst is a fluid-filled sac. Cancer, on the other hand, refers to tumours that invade surrounding tissues, grow rapidly, and have the potential to metastasize to other parts of the body.

Recognizing the Signs and Seeking Medical Care
Symptoms such as unexplained pain, noticeable lumps, unexplained weight loss, headaches, or changes in vision or movement should prompt individuals to seek medical attention. Imaging tests like CT scans and MRI can aid in the detection of brain tumours.

The Transition from Benign to Malignant Tumours
While most benign or noncancerous tumours remain as such, certain tumours can become cancerous over time, underscoring the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment.

Dispelling Common Misconceptions
Raising awareness through educational programmes can help dispel common misconceptions, such as the belief that all tumours are cancerous or that alternative medicine alone can effectively treat or shrink tumours.

Challenges in the Indian Healthcare System
India is encountering significant challenges in managing the increasing volume of cancer cases particularly in the availability of care in public facilities and the low number of insured families.

The Impact of Lifestyle and Advancements in Diagnostics
Unhealthy lifestyle habits contribute to an increased risk of cancer, while technological advancements have led to improved early detection of tumours and innovative brain surgery techniques.

Utilising Tumour Marker Tests
Blood tests are capable of detecting specific markers associated with certain types of tumours, facilitating early detection and more effective treatment.

Holistic Care and Alternative Treatment Methods
Comprehensive care, including emotional and psychological support, is provided to patients and their families, alongside treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.

Harnessing AI and Machine Learning for Improved Patient Care
Advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have enhanced the accuracy of diagnosis and personalised treatment plans, ultimately making the treatment process smoother and less painful for patients.

In conclusion, the observance of World Brain Tumour Day serves as a reminder to continue spreading awareness about tumours, their potential risks, and the available treatment options. Through education, early detection, and advancements in medical technologies, better outcomes for individuals affected by tumours and cancers can be achieved.