Enhancing Ukrainian Military Fleet with Over 110 Automotive Vehicles

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence recently announced that since the commencement of Russia’s full-scale invasion in March 2022, a total of more than 110 types of automotive vehicles, sourced from both Ukraine and various other countries, have been incorporated into service for the Armed Forces. Notably, 60 of these vehicles have been approved for usage within the last five months.

This diverse range of vehicles includes armored vehicles, off-road vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, and specialized automotive equipment. The automotive fleet of the Armed Forces now encompasses vehicles sourced from over 20 countries, including the United States, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Italy, among others.

In accordance with this development, the Defense Ministry specified the official admission of off-road vehicle models from Japanese and European automakers, as well as the largest American tractor-trailer designed specifically for transporting tanks, self-propelled artillery systems, and other heavy armored vehicles across challenging terrains. Additionally, the Ministry disclosed the provision of quadricycles, hexacycles, and buggies to the Ukrainian troops. Furthermore, more than one-third of the codified automotive vehicle models are of Ukrainian origin, encompassing special-purpose vehicles, armored vehicles, regular trucks, all-terrain vehicles, and domestically-manufactured electric motorcycles.

Notwithstanding the array of systems, the process of maintenance and standardization presents increased complexity. Nevertheless, the codification and admission of domestically-produced weapons and military equipment, alongside the allocation of a NATO nomenclature number, enables their acquisition using state budget funds for units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. This serves as a mechanism for bolstering the combat readiness and operational capabilities of the country’s military.

Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. (2022, August 25). Ukrainian military has already admitted over 110 models of automotive vehicles for service since March. Retrieved from [insert link here]