The Spooky World of Old Technology in Horror Games

2 min read

The inclusion of antiquated technology in horror games contributes to an eerie and disquieting ambiance that enthralls players. From retro cameras to cumbersome typewriters, these outdated machines introduce a distinct element of fear and unease. In a recent interview with developers, the utilization of older technology in horror games was examined to uncover the factors that contribute to the spine-chilling sensation associated with these archaic devices.

Jerry Becerril, the creator of the game “Assessment Examination,” elucidated how incorporating an older video style lends authenticity to the game and evokes a sense of inevitability, heightening the tragic events within the narrative. The game presents itself as recovered footage from the past, intensifying the sensation of being a part of a forgotten history.

Sam Barlow, the director of “IMMORTALITY,” emphasized the enigmatic and haunting nature of old movies captured by obsolete technology, instilling a sense of loss not only in the absent films but also in the actors themselves. The integration of century-old technology within the game further enriches the disquieting experience for the players.

The constraints of older technology are also explored, as evidenced in David Szymanski’s game “Iron Lung,” where players are ensconced within the confines of an aging, deteriorating submarine. This backdrop fosters a feeling of vulnerability and fear, heightening the immersive horror experience for the players.

Moreover, the unreliability of older machines adds an additional layer of intensity, as depicted in Nick Lives’ game “Home Safety Hotline.” The cumbersome and erratic operation of these outdated machines generates a nostalgic terror, underscoring the disconcerting ambiance within the game.

Ultimately, the integration of older technology in horror games not only engenders a sense of authenticity and inevitability but also necessitates the player to assume a more active role, relying on their own acumen and problem-solving capabilities to navigate through the game. The idiosyncrasies and confinements of antiquated technology contribute to the overall atmosphere and immersion of a good horror game, thereby enriching the player’s experience.