U.S. Vision Zero Academy and Traffic Safety Symposium Highlights Comprehensive Road Safety Approach

The inaugural U.S. Vision Zero Academy and Traffic Safety Technology Symposium was held from May 20th-24th in Washington, D.C., and was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy, the Swedish Transport Administration – Trafikverket, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, and the FIA Foundation. This five-day course was dedicated to exploring Vision Zero, a comprehensive road safety approach aimed at achieving zero traffic fatalities through systematic, technological, and equitable measures.

On the first day, the Academy highlighted the shift in road safety from individual responsibility to a systemic approach. Vision Zero, originally from Sweden, has gained global recognition and underlines that no loss of life is acceptable. Topics of discussion included speed management, equity, technology integration, and community engagement as central tenets.

The succeeding days of the Academy delved further into the systems approach to safety, recognising the need for comprehensive strategies to manage kinetic energy in crashes. The importance of intersectionality and equity were also key themes, stressing targeted design and policy interventions to address disparities.

On the final day, the historical foundations of Vision Zero were summarised, highlighting the sustained work and systematic planning required for successful implementation.

In addition, the U.S. Traffic Safety Technology Symposium at the House of Sweden on May 22nd provided an opportunity to explore road safety technologies relevant to the Safe System approach and connect with key stakeholders in transportation safety.

In conclusion, the inaugural U.S. Vision Zero Academy and Traffic Safety Technology Symposium provided a thorough exploration of Vision Zero and its comprehensive approach to road safety. By integrating systematic, technological, and equitable measures, the Academy aimed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in this approach, ultimately working towards the goal of zero traffic fatalities.