The Growth of Female Entrepreneurs in Serbia – A Decade On

3 min read

In 2012, the first comprehensive study on the state of women’s entrepreneurship in Serbia was published. This groundbreaking research, conducted by SeConS – an organization for applied research and policy analysis – was initiated by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, with the support of UN Women. The study provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by women in entrepreneurship and offered a wealth of recommendations to inform policies aimed at fostering the development of women-led businesses and narrowing the gender gap in economic participation and employment.

In 2021, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia has embarked on a new initiative to revisit the landscape of women’s entrepreneurship after more than a decade. The goal is to assess the changes, accomplishments, obstacles, and the potential of women’s entrepreneurship. This undertaking is vital in order to identify the areas that future policies should prioritise in order to support and empower female entrepreneurs. The most recent research is once again being conducted by SeConS, with the unwavering support of UN Women. This falls under the broader project titled ‘Support to priority actions for gender equality in Serbia’, aiming to equip the Ministry of Economy with the necessary insights to shape policies focused on fostering women’s entrepreneurship.

The report, which is now available online, covers a range of subject areas including economic empowerment, employment, entrepreneurship, financial resources, gender wage gap, and productive resources. It is anticipated that this comprehensive research will serve as a flagship report for policy makers and stakeholders in Serbia.

One of the noteworthy aspects of the study is its geographical coverage, spanning across Europe and Central Asia, with a specific focus on Serbia. The publication is an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in the advancement of gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

It is encouraging to see that the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), specifically the Serbia Country Office, has been at the forefront of publishing this essential research. The contribution of UN Women in supporting initiatives that strive for gender parity is commendable and underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing such critical issues.

As we reflect on the progress made in the field of women’s entrepreneurship in Serbia over the past decade, it is clear that there have been significant strides forward. However, the journey towards full gender equality in entrepreneurship is far from over. By leveraging the findings of this study, policy makers and stakeholders can work towards creating an environment that is conducive to the growth of female entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, the recent report on women’s entrepreneurship in Serbia serves as a timely call to action to redouble efforts aimed at empowering women in business. The importance of gender diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship cannot be overstated, and it is imperative that all sectors of society come together to champion the cause of women’s economic empowerment. With the right policies and support systems in place, there is no doubt that the next decade will witness an even more remarkable growth in women-led businesses in Serbia and beyond.