The Rising Importance of AI in Business Education: A Roundtable Discussion

3 min read

Hofstra University and the Frank G. Zarb School of Business recently hosted the Technology in Business Schools Roundtable (TBSR), a conference that focused on the growing impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business education.

The event took place from June 10th to June 13th and brought together representatives from nearly 30 prominent business schools from around the country, including Harvard University, Indiana University, and Yale University. While a range of technological advancements were discussed, AI emerged as the central focus.

One of the main topics of discussion centered around seamlessly integrating AI into business curriculums, including its potential applications in teaching and ensuring that graduates possess the necessary skills to navigate an ever-changing technological landscape.

Dean Janet Lenaghan of the Frank G. Zarb School of Business expressed the university’s commitment to preparing students for the future of business, which is heavily intertwined with AI. “TBSR provided a valuable platform to explore how best to integrate AI into our curriculum and equip the next generation of business leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to harness the potential of AI,” Lenaghan stated.

The event’s keynote address was delivered by Daniel Pellegriti, a Google workspace specialist and Hofstra alumnus. Pellegriti shed light on how Generative AI can enhance business processes and decision-making, emphasizing its applicability to every industry.

Pellegriti also emphasized the importance of educating business students on how to fully embrace this technology. “Schools should be emphasizing and teaching students about AI so that they are aware of how to use it and its growth and impact on their industry,” he emphasized.

A notable panel discussion was held featuring IT professionals from various institutions such as the University of Illinois, Georgia Tech, and the University of Colorado Boulder, who explored the specific applications of Generative AI within their schools and how their institutions are preparing their campus communities for the proper use of this evolving technology.

The event also included networking opportunities and recreational activities, thanks to the contributions of conference sponsors such as Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Asana, Hiration, VirtualSpeech, and 22 Miles. Representatives from various universities such as Auburn University, Duke University, and New York University were also in attendance.

The conversations at TBSR underscore the increasing importance of AI in business education and how top academic institutions are working together to ensure that their students are well-prepared to thrive in a technology-driven future. The event served as a clear reminder that AI has become an essential part of modern business education.