Cutting-Edge Technology and Ideas Shared at International Tech Exchange Event in Ghana

3 min read

The Training Centre of the Electricity Company of Ghana recently hosted a one-day seminar in collaboration with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) to explore innovative solutions for the power systems within the electricity distribution industry in the sub-region. The event, which took place on 5th June 2024 in Tema, focused on topics such as transformer monitoring and control, microgrid power plant controller application, as well as powerful computing and software for distribution management. Additionally, the seminar also addressed the use of travelling waves to locate faults on transmission lines.

Distinguished industry professionals and experts convened to exchange ideas and insights during the seminar. The Director of the Centre, Ing. Godfred Mensah, underscored the significance of the event in his keynote address, urging participants to take full advantage of the knowledge and expertise being shared at the seminar.

The SEL team, headed by Mr. Sthit Sharma, conducted a series of informative discussions for the attendees. Alongside Mr. Sharma were Mr. Vinay Singh and Mr. Herbert Martin, who provided valuable support throughout the event. These seasoned professionals delved into various topics, shedding light on the latest advancements and best practices in the industry.

A noteworthy aspect of the event was an open session, where participants had the opportunity to engage with the speakers, share their own experiences, pose questions, and make valuable suggestions pertaining to the technologies and concepts that were discussed.

The value of such an exchange of knowledge cannot be overstated, particularly in an industry as critical as power distribution. The opportunity for professionals to come together and discuss the latest trends and innovations is a testament to the commitment of the sector to continuous improvement and advancement. It is through collaborative events like these that professionals can gain a deeper understanding of complex systems and ideas, ultimately leading to the development of effective and efficient solutions.

Events of this nature foster a spirit of learning and growth within the industry. By bringing together experts and professionals, such seminars create an environment in which new ideas can flourish, and existing methods can be refined. Through informed and constructive dialogue, attendees have the chance to gain new perspectives and insights, which in turn can positively impact their respective organizations and further drive progress within the industry.

In conclusion, the International Technology Exchange seminar held in Ghana provided a platform for industry experts to come together and share knowledge that will undoubtedly contribute to the enhancement of power systems in the sub-region. As the sector continues to evolve, the importance of such collaborative events in fostering innovation and advancement cannot be overlooked. The knowledge and ideas exchanged during this seminar will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for continued development and improvement within the electricity distribution sector.