Exploring the World of Entrepreneurship: A Look into the Adventist Education Fair in Brazil

2 min read

The event that took place on the 12th of June, 2024, at the Colégio Adventista de Governador Valadares in Minas Gerais, Brazil, saw a remarkable display of student entrepreneurship as part of an extensively coordinated interdisciplinary project. The fair served as a platform for students to gain practical insights and broaden their perspectives beyond the traditional confines of classroom learning.

A diverse range of products and services, such as corn-based foods, confectionery, Arabic cupcakes, pizzas, beverages, second-hand clothing, and books, were showcased at the fair. According to Guilherme Barros, the pedagogical advisor, these activities play a crucial role in fostering the development of various intelligences in students. Barros asserts, “Entrepreneurship stimulates students to think innovatively, seek imaginative solutions, and translate ideas into action.”

For Carlos Daniel, a first-year high school student, the experience proved to be both enriching and pivotal in his entrepreneurial journey. “I realized that, in order to secure a better future, we must exert effort and pursue our goals,” he contemplates. Ten-year-old Luiza Gomes also shared her insights, underscoring the challenges of product selection and the importance of teamwork. She stressed, “We learned that having a leader to organize things is immensely helpful. Without our teacher, everything would have been in disarray.”

The impact of the fair resonated beyond the confines of the school premises. Andréia Reis, the class teacher, highlighted the positive influence of the event on the school community. “Students not only gleaned insights into entrepreneurship, but also learned the significance of compassion. We decided to utilize the funds raised to procure a wheelchair for underprivileged children,” she disclosed. Moreover, another group of students opted to allocate donations to aid those affected by recent floods in the region of Rio Grande do Sul.

These initiatives shed light on the virtues of compassion, empathy, and charity that were instilled in the students through their participation in the fair. The event served as a conduit for them to not only delve into the tenets of entrepreneurship but also to nurture a sense of solidarity and social responsibility.

The original article was initially published on the South American Division Portuguese website.