World Kidney Cancer Day 2024: 5 Lifestyle Mistakes to Avoid for Kidney Health

3 min read

World Kidney Cancer Day 2024 is approaching on June 20th, serving as an important occasion to educate oneself about kidney cancer, encompassing its symptoms, causes, and treatments. This observance aims to raise awareness and demonstrate solidarity with individuals impacted by this ailment. It is imperative to delve into the intricacies of kidney cancer and explore measures to fortify kidney wellbeing.

Renal cancer, or kidney cancer, materializes when abnormal cells within the kidneys proliferate uncontrollably. Although the precise cause of kidney cancer remains elusive, certain factors elevate the risk of its development. These factors encompass smoking, obesity, hypertension, genetic predisposition, and prolonged dialysis. As the disease progresses, hallmark symptoms may manifest, including the presence of blood in the urine, persistent back or side pain, an abdominal lump, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and sporadic fevers.

Dr. Radheshyam Chaudhary, a Consultant Urology and Kidney Transplant Specialist, underscores that specific segments of the population are more vulnerable to kidney ailments and kidney cancer due to elements such as age, familial history, gender, smoking, obesity, hypertension, occupational exposure, and certain maladies like diabetes. It is crucial for individuals within these demographics to prioritize preventive healthcare and ensure a dialogue with healthcare professionals regarding their risk factors to ascertain the appropriate screening regimen and tests.

In the context of prostate cancer, risk factors and susceptible populations may exhibit marginal disparities compared to those associated with kidney cancer. Analogous to kidney cancer, age and familial history significantly influence the risk of developing prostate cancer. Lifestyle aspects, dietary patterns, physical activity, and environmental exposure also contribute to the propensity for prostate cancer.

Various imaging techniques, including MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound, serve as pivotal tools to discern tumors or anomalous growths indicative of kidney cancer. If a concerning mass is identified, a biopsy may be conducted to validate the presence of cancer cells. Although a uniform screening test for the general populace has yet to materialize, individuals at heightened risk of kidney cancer should deliberate screening options with their healthcare provider. Early detection can yield a broader spectrum of treatment options, less invasive therapeutic interventions, and enhanced long-term survival rates for patients.

Dr. Prakash Chandra Shetty, a Urologist at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, elucidates five lifestyle errors that can jeopardize kidney health. These encompass the consumption of high-sodium, high-phosphorus junk food, overreliance on painkillers, dehydration, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and adherence to high protein diets. These choices can incur severe repercussions for kidney health and ought to be eschewed to fortify kidney vitality.

In conclusion, World Kidney Cancer Day 2024 prompts us to assimilate knowledge about kidney cancer and adopt measures to safeguard kidney wellbeing. By comprehending the origins, manifestations, and jeopardy factors linked with kidney cancer, we can strive to mitigate our risk and extend support to individuals grappling with the malady. Prioritising preventive healthcare, undergoing routine screenings, and embracing wholesome lifestyle choices are essential to ensuring kidney health. Let us propagate awareness and exhibit solidarity for World Kidney Cancer Day 2024.