Enhancing Data Security for Operational Technology: A Key Consideration for Organisations

In a recent publication by Skkynet, the importance of data security in safeguarding operational technology (OT) data has been underscored. It has been emphasized that relying solely on network security is insufficient to protect OT data, posing potential risks to operations.

As enterprises increasingly digitize their processes, the secure access to data is vital for efficiency and risk mitigation. Breaches in OT, particularly within production networks, can have significant repercussions. Therefore, the whitepaper stresses the need to prioritize data security in today’s business environment.

Using an analogy, the whitepaper compares network security to a shared key for a house, while data security is likened to an invisible mail slot. This comparison highlights the importance of ensuring that only authorized individuals can deliver data, reducing the risk of potential vulnerabilities such as viruses entering the system. It emphasizes the importance of integrating network security and data security as a cohesive unit.

To address the need for comprehensive data security, Skkynet recommends the use of mirroring software, such as its Cogent DataHub. This software is specifically designed to maintain connection status and data quality information at every stage, thereby enhancing the overall security of operational technology data.

The insights presented in the whitepaper shed light on the evolving landscape of data security in the realm of operational technology. As organizations continue to embrace digitalization, the integration of robust data security measures is paramount for safeguarding critical operational data and ensuring seamless business operations.

For a detailed analysis of the findings and recommendations outlined in the whitepaper, the full article can be accessed on the Skkynet website, providing valuable insights for organizations seeking to fortify their data security strategies.