How Tech Can Save You from Misplacing Items While Travelling

3 min read

In 2023, an astonishing 2 million items were reported as lost at airports, with a mere 10% of requests for lost items being successfully found. Reflect on the countless car keys, items of jewellery, and other cherished possessions that individuals were forced to bid farewell to as a result of this exasperating experience. As indicated by a 2023 survey, the typical person dedicates approximately 2.5 days each year to the pursuit of misplaced items. This squanders an abundance of time and effort on a predicament that is entirely preventable.

Nevertheless, there is cause for optimism. Technology is beginning to make its mark and is poised to intervene to prevent these hindrances from occurring. Let us examine several methods that technology can be utilised to monitor your belongings while you are on the move.

Recall the narrative of Andrew Jensen and Meredith VanAcker, who spent an entire week scouring for their towed vehicle. They had finally had enough and fitted their car with an e-tag that monitors its location in real-time. No longer were they compelled to traverse the streets of Brooklyn incessantly with keys in hand!

Even hotels are embracing digital lost-and-found technology. Novel applications enable employees to capture an image of lost items, which is subsequently automatically labelled with the details of the item and its GPS coordinates. This facilitates a seamless process for the staff to locate and return misplaced possessions to their rightful owners.

Concerning the monitoring of your belongings, Bluetooth technology is a groundbreaking innovation. Take the viral saga of Valerie Szybala’s lost luggage, for instance. She affixed a tracking device to her suitcase, only to discover that it was embarking on an enigmatic journey to places she had never visited. Bluetooth tracking operates by transmitting an encrypted signal between mobile devices, enabling the user to identify their labelled items.

Furthermore, as technology progresses, the range and duration of battery life of these tracking devices are also advancing. Some devices have batteries with a lifespan of three years, and there are also GPS trackers offering the broadest range of detectability. Furthermore, it is feasible to integrate these tracking devices with Amazon’s Alexa system to enhance convenience.

For those who are disinclined towards e-tags, a straightforward alternative is to affix a Bluetooth or QR code label to your possessions. These labels can be attached to a variety of items such as bicycle helmets, water bottles, and luggage. Upon scanning, the QR code discloses a customised message and contact information to expedite the return of the item.

For individuals who travel by air, it is advisable to consider airlines that employ RFID tag tracking. This form of technology is more efficient than conventional barcode trackers and is already being adopted by certain airlines. In reality, it is estimated that by 2025, 67% of airlines aim to furnish real-time updates regarding passengers’ luggage.

It would be remiss not to acknowledge the simple solutions available at our very fingertips—utilising the settings on our phones. Numerous phones are equipped with location reminders that can assist in recollecting the whereabouts of misplaced items. Furthermore, applications such as Google Maps and Apple Maps permit users to record their parking location, sparing individuals from a scavenger hunt around the vicinity.

Consequently, when you next find yourself on the move, contemplate the advantages proffered by these technological innovations to safeguard your most prized possessions. With technology as our ally, the era of mislaid car keys and lost luggage may well transpire to become an episode consigned to the annals of history.